Yay! A fun day!
Marcelina and Zimo randomly appeared at my doorstep this afternoon, after walking all the way from their respective houses. I donned warmer clothes and grabbed my camera, and we were off. We then walked together all around the neighborhood, delighting in our own mini-adventures (involving a stake named "Tate" and a discarded box that became Zimo's sled), eventually deciding to walk to The Village to take in a movie. None of the movies looked interesting, so we called my mom and asked her to pick us up, as it was getting dark and cold (we had been out about 2 hours). Dad rescued us after about 20 minutes (we told mum we'd meet her at Starbucks, but it closed early because of the weather, so we were stuck outside). We stopped at Blockbuster, rented
Death to Smoochy, and crashed at my house for dinner.
Death to Smoochy was quite a bit better than I thought it would be. I can't fathom why it received such abyssmal reviews from the critics -- it was quite entertaining. And it had Edward Norton, which makes me happy. Yay for the Irish mob.
And school has been cancelled yet again, so life is good. I have nothing intelligent to say.
EDIT: Marcelina has an
infinitely better summary in her LJ. Read hers instead.