And now, presenting a view into the mental processes of Marcelina and Priscilla at midnight, while waiting for
Dr. Strangelove to begin:
Epiphany #1: "Pop Rocks", the candy, is named after the Pop/Rock genre of music.
Epiphany #2: The clef and musical staff on packages of "Sweet and Low" sugar substitute derives from their homage to the lyric from "The Music Man".
While Watching The Movie:
Epiphany #1: In the low-angle, high-contrast shot of
General Ripper (the especially loony one that doomed everyone), right before he kills himself, he looks worryingly like George W. Bush. This is further proof that Stanley Kubrick is God.
Epiphany #2:
General Turgidson looks weirdly like Paul Kidby's version of
Carrot (esp. how he appears in "The Last Hero")