Today, went to the statue of Liberty to take more Fee-wannabe shots. Was v. amused to think about how we replace French Fries and Toast with Freedom and/or Liberty Fries and Toast, yet the very symbol of our freedom was a gift from the French. Har.
Rolls of film used on this trip now at an even 30. Kill me. Must recruit all family members with giant 4-reel tanks to develop this.
Predicted Future Conversation:
Mrs. Yoshii: Did anyone get anything done over spring break?
Classmates: Are you kidding! I was working on my tan!
Me: Actually, I shot 30 rolls of film.
Classmates: Weugh?
Me: ::the sound of a person being viciously attacked::
Meanwhile, I'm a bit disappointed that I haven't been able to photograph at any protest marches. I hesitate to even suggest it, because my parents don't look too fondly upon them. Ah well. Maybe I can find one in Dallas sometime. Heck, I have enough film to develop.