Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Breaking News:
Renata prods a great deal of buttock, as she sent me a t-shirt from the "Beatle Bar". ::dons shirt and strikes a pose::
Alicey is the April Fools Day MASTER. Cower before her coolness.
I got to meet a Physics teacher that is coming to my school next year. He's a huge Terry Pratchett fan. Huzzah!
All loff the MoLM poster design! Go me!
April Fools was so much fun. All day, I wore around a plastic viking hat to add a bit of surrealism to everyone's day. Then I borrowed the short haired wig I wore in "The Pajama Game" to wear to MoLM rehearsals. Mrs. Felice has emphasized over and over that none of us are to cut out hair until after the show, so I hoped to give her a little scare. Every single cast member did either a double or triple-take when they saw me, horrified by my lack of hair. Even Mr. Oliver, the music director, was duped. I was quite disappointed when Mrs. Felice recognized that it was a wig right away. Ah well, it was fun. Afterwards, the wig got passed around backstage, where a bunch of the guys tried it on and all looked generally like idiots. One guy looked disturbingly like Austin Powers. Muah!
Anyway, today we did the last 1/3 of the show, where I got to sing quite a bit. I got applause for "Aldonza"; go me. And my mom, who was taking a sneak peek in the audience, cried at "Dulcinea". Gravy, this show is going to rock. ::squeals::
Priscilla said at 9:42 PM
All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.