[regarding my plots to find Alicey's trove of ancient sketchbooks]
spockmonkey4: I will sink to any level to glimpse Alicey's old sketchbooks!
queekie99: you may have one problem with the old sketch books though.
queekie99: there's about thirty of them
queekie99: in a large plastic box
spockmonkey4: *shrugs*
queekie99: and it's about 10 feet up in my closet.
queekie99: it's.. very very heavy
queekie99: i almost killed myself putting it up there last week.
spockmonkey4: my strength is the strength of ten because my heart is pure!
queekie99: oh, quit speaking like.. like..
queekie99: um
queekie99: er
spockmonkey4: Carrot?
queekie99: Jesus?
spockmonkey4: *snorks*
spockmonkey4: Carrot is Jesus!
queekie99: most likely
queekie99: and Percy is God
queekie99: uh oh.
spockmonkey4: and Boba Fett
queekie99: if we pay attention to the Divine Trinity
spockmonkey4: Carrot is the son of Percy? That explains a lot.
queekie99: Carrot is Jesus, and Jesus is God, then Percy is Jesus who is Carrot who is Jesus who is God and who is also Percy who is also God and Boba Fett is God too and thus Bo..
queekie99: ...der.
spockmonkey4: *confounds Alicey*
queekie99: this needs to go in your log
spockmonkey4: it will
queekie99: tehehe.