Antigone, which absolutely rocked. Of course, I got to pitying Creon a heck of a lot more than I pitied Antigone. Heck, she
was an insolent upstart. Pish posh to the chorus' feeble "moral law" excuse! Anyway, Matt played one of the guards, who were hilarious. They definitely stole the show humor-wise, while Xandu's Creon was the high point dramatically. Huzzah!
Quotes of the Day:
I don't think esotericness is really a quality I look for in tea. --Me
I can't help thinking that if I put milk in my tea, the British Empire will disown me. --Me
Rachel: "Pinky and the Brain" did a parody of "Man of La Mancha" once. Brain sang "To Scheme the Impossible Scheme".
Me: Somehow, I knew that parody had to exist somewhere.