Ah, CGing for the first time in ages. And collaborating with Monica, to boot! Gravy, I've missed this. Mon, cookies await you the next time you get online!
Today, I went to lunch with my family, my great aunt, and my honorary great aunt (my grandfather's best friend). Then I had my Senior Recital, where I sang "What Does He Want of Me" (MoLM) and "A Little Bit of Good" (Chicago). Did wretchedly on "What does he want...", as Carmen (the accompanist) was playing at breakneck speed. Wah! "Little Bit of Good" went well, though. I hammed it up majorly, to great comedic effect. All others were fabulous, especially Schlien, who sang "Lydia the Tattooed Lady". I don't think there was one moment the audience wasn't broken up in laughter. Yay Schlien!
So hurrah.