spockmonkey4: brb
spockmonkey4: back
casira_j: wb
spockmonkey4: thanks
casira_j: yes, you're now a star on the WB network (hey, they have a time slot opening up after Dawson's Creek goes away...
spockmonkey4: *snerks*
spockmonkey4: The show would consist of me sitting around, chatting online, doing minimal work for school, and occasionally drawing stuff. and me just plain not being home, ever, due to excessive theatrical pursuits. XD
casira_j: lol....
casira_j: The show would open every week with the Mysterious Chat Friend (never revealed!) seeing an IM window open, and there's a little message, which will set up the plot for the show...
spockmonkey4: *laughs*
spockmonkey4: will madcap exploits ensue?
casira_j: Certainly!
spockmonkey4: huzzah!
casira_j: ::throws confetti:: We have a hit....
spockmonkey4: I wish my life had more madcap exploits...
casira_j: Same here.
casira_j: There are exploits. Perhaps even mad exploits, occasionally. But no cap is involved.
spockmonkey4: I have occasional mildly-peeved-beret exploits, but nothing more.
casira_j: ::laughing::
casira_j: Let me know if it gets upgraded to ticked-off-fedora.
spockmonkey4: Oh, if only...