mattman_skippy: i'm glad that you're back
spockmonkey4: glad to be back!
spockmonkey4: Santa Fe was fun, but I was definitely ready to get out of there
mattman_skippy: a man-ho without his pimp is a sad thing indeed
spockmonkey4: *laughs*
spockmonkey4: And a pimp away from her man-hos is tragedy as well
mattman_skippy: I had TBarr yell at me and take my money, but it just wasn't the same
mattman_skippy: aw, I'm touched
spockmonkey4: *snorks*
Yes. Definitely glad to be back to all my friends on Y!M. And I'm going with the gang to "A Clockwork Orange" anyway, so all is good. I feel compelled to reread a bit of it beforehand... Man, that's an amazing book.