Quotes from last night's festivities:
"Sacre bleu, eh?" --Luke, impersonating French Canadians
"Abort. Retry. Flail." --if Matt worked at Microsoft
"T-Barr is looking far too shifty. I'm waiting for a goatee to spring from his chin." --Matt
"It's like we're kissing through produce!" --Luke, sharing a corn-on-the-cobb with T-Barr
"Dude! (high-fives Matt) Wait... what were you just talking about? I was looking at cheesecake." --Luke
Burkhead: I like the word "drizzle".
Matt: Fo' shizzle.
::drawing a graph:: "The humor is directly proportional to the confusion." --T-Barr
Me: It's a leper-tron!
T-Barr: Would "robotic leprosy" be like rusting?
Me: "Robotic leprosy" is the best phrase I have heard in two months.
"It looks like Swiss cheese that
failed." --Me, regarding T-Barr's cheesecake when he tried to give it leprosy
"There is no context you can put that it to make it right!" --T-Barr, regarding "nipple buddies"
Luke: You know what I need to do? Join a carnival and become a nipple reader.
Burkhead: And you probably still wouldn't get any, Luke.
"Yesss! I would use my Captain Planet power to get some!" --Matt, regarding the Heart planeteer