Wah. Went to a glassblowing workshop yesterday to photograph, but my black and white stuff is rubbish. This must be what Tony refers to as "The Abyss". Bah, feeling depressed. Now clinging tightly to what I hope will be a happy moment today, when I pick up my color rolls at the one-hour photo. Gah, have reverted back to Bridget Jones-speak. Bad sign.
Last night, I dreamed that I got HP5 two hours early, and with a special cover. I liked the official cover a lot more, but I realized that mine would be worth a fortune on eBay, so I decided to keep it. Now waiting (im)patiently for tomorrow midnight to come.
Also, today I will return to the Spa of Doom, Ten Thousand Waves, where I will revisit the Hot Tub From Hell, as immortalized by my epic poem. Will bring a swimsuit this time, and will be ready to prod serious buttock if distubed again by evil pervy males. ::demonstrates her 1337 kung-fu skillz::