Yay, I'm having a generally lovely time in Santa Fe! The morning is great for photography, as there's plenty of sun and lovely shadows and contrast and variety and general prettiness. We've been unlucky about afternoons so far, though. It seems every day, it clouds up horribly and it's rather difficult to get any good black and white. Color, however, is a different story. I shot three color rolls today with no scruples whatsoever, muaha! ::takes the opportunity to cackle fiendishly::
And I've figured out how Keith Carter makes his photographs. Go me!
We got yesterday's negatives back this morning, where I was surprised to find that I had some of my New York photographs on one of the rolls. I printed two images and got a "Hot damn" and a handshake from Tony O'Brien, photographer/god teacher. W00t to the 00t, indeed.