The Cult of Lincoln

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

The League of Extraordinary Gentlepersons:


1. Choose five to seven characters.
2. They may be from books, movies, comics, TV shows, games, and real life--but no traditional superheroes.
3. They may be from any place in the universe, any time. They do not have to be from the same time/place as the orginal League.
4. You must identify the recruiter, the villain, and the leader, and there must be at least one female.
5. Optional, you may identify their main mode of transportation.


1. Commander Samuel Vimes, Blackboard Monitor extraordinaire in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series
Strengths: Prodding buttock and taking names
Weaknesses: Poor diplomatic skills beyond the "Ankh-Morpork Handshake"

2. Thursday Next, heroine of The Eyre Affair and sequels
Strengths: Vast literary knowledge, "bookjumping" ability, and pet Dodo named Pickwick.
Weaknesses: Must be occasionally aided by Granny and/or Dad.

3. Aziraphale, angel, and Anthony J. Crowley, demon. Counted together because every great league must have one aspect that is simply slashtastic.
(Aziraphale) Creatively pronounceable name, fanatacal obsession with books, flaming sword, and pretense of being gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide.
(Crowley) Ruthlessness, inventiveness, tolerance for alcohol, and snarky wit.
(Aziraphale) confused Witchfinder Generals.
(Crowley) Holy water.

4. Rachel, from K.A. Applegate's Animorphs series
Strengths: Ability to morph into the animal of her choice, unquenchable anger, capacity for violence, and ability to pick out a GAP sweater a mile away.
Weaknesses: Dependence on spandex clothing for decency, hair-trigger temper, and most likely dead and/or insane by the end of the series

5. Heidy Tandy, goddess of the Harry Potter fandom
Strenghts: Capable of organizing conventions, delivering babies, ruling Fandoms, clearing skyscrapers in a single bound, achieving world peace, curing world hunger and every affliction known to man, and developing a renewable, clean, lucrative energy source ALL BEFORE BREAKFAST.
Weaknesses: Penchant for pickles and ice cream, together.

6. The Professor, Gilligan's Island
Strengths: Ability to make a radio transmitter from coconuts
Weaknesses: Can't fix the &$*(% boat

7. Boris Grishenko, from Goldeneye
Strengths: Technological super-savvy. Replaced Jason Fox on the list because of his adoreable Russian accent and the fact he was played by Alan Cumming.
Weaknesses: Invincible! Or not. Obsessive-compulsive habits, liquid nitrogen.

THE RECRUITER: Havelock Vetinari
Strengths: Sarcasm, linguistic proficiency, 1337 Assassin skillz, probable dead sexyness in youth, and a mind like a corkscrew
Weaknesses: If he had them, they'd've been exploited by now.


Also Considered: Inigo Montoya, Captain Jack Sparrow, Jason Fox, Rincewind, Susan Sto Helit, Granny Weatherwax, Pippin (because without Boris, we needed someone with a really cute accent), and the Weasley twins.

Priscilla said at 12:45 AM

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All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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