Friday, July 18, 2003
More picses!
I promised driving quotes, so here we go: "I feel another journal entry coming on!" --Mags Steph: Uh oh, it's getting cloudy and stormy. I hope it's not an omen. Me: Well, maybe the clouds will form a Nimbus, and it'll be a good omen! Me: I think that's a bad idea. Mags: Are you sure? Me: Yes. I'm sure I think it's a bad idea. (interrupting our discussion Pirates of the Caribbean) Steph: Is there not a map of Florida? There's only a map of Orlando! Me: I'd like a map of Orlando. ::tiger growl:: Mags: I know where I'd go! Me: Down south? Mags: To the peninsula! "He looked like a redneck Draco on drugs." --Alicey "Who needs liquor when you have high-heeled shoes?" --Me Today, I woke up before everyone else, and in my infinite evil took a picture of Mags and Alicey sleeping and looking like t00bs. Muaha. Alicey swore revenge when she woke up later and saw it. Today's panels: "The Importance of Being Ron," "Fanwords: The Evolution of Fandom Vernacular in the Harry Potter fandom," "Affinity and Lexical Choice in the Fan Community," "Coming Out of the Cupboard: Slash in the Harry Potter fandom" (Queer as John, among others), "Can Draco Be Redeemed?" (including Cassie), and "The Geography of Harry Potter" (Steve Vander Ark and Penny Linsenmayer). John's reaction to Slash After Book 5: "Dear God, it's canon." I'll post quotes later, as I was transcribing on my laptop for Alicey. T00by loff goes to Steve Vander Ark, fandom God. He recognized me and said that he had sent dozens of dozens of curious fans in my direction. He asked me if I'd updated recently, and he was excited to hear that I had updated last week. W00t! And now wer're off to the par-tay, so I'm off! Priscilla said at 9:39 PM Comments: Post a Comment Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. |