Whee, we're home! We got in at 2:30 AM last night, because we were making such good time that we decided that stopping at a hotel wouldn't be worth it. Then we slept a lot and then woke up and took 50 thousand showers until we felt hygenic enough to face the world, and all was merry.
The ride home was uberfun, though we pined massively for all our t00by friends we finally met in person at Nimbus. I'll post more about all the aspects of the con, but now Mags and Steph are about to leave, so the last thing I want to do is play on the computer.
Mega-loff from all at Nimbus! Many of you really were there in spirit. Mon's name came up at least once every five minutes, especially in the Art Session Ali and the gang threw together. Whee! More later.