I've been thinking. I'm considering asking Steve Vander Ark if WIAN could be part of the Lexicon. A merging of sorts. He has such a wealth of material etymology-wise, but because he essentially leaves the etymology up to me (he says on his website to visit WIAN, as "there's no use reinventing the wheel"), I feel I'm crippling the Lexicon somewhat. It would be better for both worlds. And I think I'd be a lot more motivated to work on WIAN if my feedback was coming from someone other than a bunch of 12-year-olds convinced that the name "Lockhart" came from a Final Fantasy character (yes, this actually happened. Kill me.).
I have a lot of ideas about ways to expand WIAN and improve it as a teacher's resource, but it's been so low on the priority list that I haven't done much work on it. This would definitely help me bite the bullet and get to work. And I really need a change in scenery anyway. This way I wouldn't have to try to figure out a new layout, too!