Pris: Okay, we need a "thereloveisso..." for Lockhart/Snape.
Jen: *dies*
Sam: TheirloveissoWRONGANDBAD
Pris: *laughs*
Sam: Theirloveissoshinyhaired.
Jen: theirloveissoduelingclub
Pris: hee!
Sam: There's a good one!
Jen: theirloveisso, er.... *thinking*
Jen: I like the shinyhair
Sam: theirloveissoawkwardlyfamous.
Sam: theirloveissophotogenic?
Pris: theirloveissoinfamous?
Jen: theirloveissonarcissistic
Pris: hee
Sam: Theirloveissoprofessorial
Pris: I think my favourite so far is Chris Rankin/Sean Biggerstaff. Theirloveissoheterosexual.
Sam: Now i'm lost
Pris: Apparently, every time someone asks Sean about his friendship with Chris (innocently), he shouts "I'm not gay!"
Sam: ROFL!
Sam: Theirloveissocloset
Jen: lol
Sam: I'm still with Harry/Draco on theirloveissohate
Jen: oh yeah
Pris: hee, I love that one.
Pris: Maybe theirloveissoawkward?
Sam: theirloveissomisplaced.
Pris: hee
Jen: theirloveissoexasperating
Sam: theirlovehasshinysmiles
Pris: theirloveissorandom? or theirloveissofandom?
Jen: lol
Sam: theirloveissosquick
Pris: theirloveisamusingashell
Jen: theirloveissoannoying
Pris: but it's not! it's hilarious!
Sam: theirloveissoexplosive
Pris: theirloveissodisarming!!!