Snippets found from a chat a while ago:
Sam: You know, I think I dislike people who have LJs for their cats.
Pris: I think I would have to agree.
Sam: a cat's life is simply not that interesting. And I know people who could use that LJ code.
Pris: "Hairball count: 4, bowls of cat food: 2, cigarettes: 0"
Pris: What's this smirking all about?
Sam: Percy being evil. She'd just hit the point where he was being a twit, and she was smirking cos Moni was on her case about making Percy evil in her fanfic.
Pris: But... but... he is not evil!
Sam: Of course not *patpat*
Pris: *sniffles* He's making the ultimate sacrifice for his family! It's all an act! It's necessary! He's just misquided! Wah! *bawls*
Sam: *continues to pat*
Pris: thanks, I needed that.
Sam: "belated teenage rebellion". That's all it is.
Pris: yes. That's Theory #2. I think I'll write an essay and categorize them.
Sam: Get down with your bad self.
Pris: Or maybe, Percy is secretly THE KING OF SIAM!