Alicey wanted pics of my dorm, and I was all too happy to oblige. Here we go:
My Desk: see Jimmy, my lovely artbooks and schoolbooks and WIAN references and such, my beloved fan, my Moulin Rouge poster I haven't put up with (covering my beloved scan/copy/printer), my vintage Penn penant, my chair, my LOTR poster, etc.
My Bed: My "Discworld Family Values" poster (AWESOME, I *heart* it), then posters for H2$, Ten Little Indians, DotM, and MoLM. I still need to put up all the pictures I brought from home of my friends and art I've gotten from you guys.
Rachel, mah roomie! The weird "Effects of G-Forces" poster could not be further from the kind of image I would expect on her wall.
Rachel's Desk, also featuring the fridge and stereo.