Hurrah, just enjoyed a rousing game of Ping Pong with Carmen and Tricia. I observed that Carmen's name is easy to remember because she is well-travelled and wears a lot of red. We're not sure if she's joking or not, but she clams to be the equivalent of nobility in her tribe (in Nigeria). Because of this, we occasionally jokingly call her "Princess." I like to greet her in the morning with "Buonjiorno, Principesa!"
Me [Grand Moff Tarkin voice]: Well played, Princess, but even a divine mandate will not save you if you lose the ball.
When Tricia joined in, we spent quite a bit of time chasing the ball. We ruminated over a hybrid sport between ping pong and soccer. I suggested "Sing Song." Never mind.
See? This is why I should use LiveJournal. I wouldn't post pointless stuff like this, because it would spam others' Friends pages. XD