We had our first SIGGRAPH meeting last night. Squee, so many opportunities for crazy fun! And you're only as involved as you want to be, so if I end up with a massive extracurricular schedule, I'll still be able to participate somewhat. This weekend, they're giving Maya lessons, and a RenderMan tutorial is soon to come. They're training up a bunch of animators to work on a short film, which will be submitted to the big kahuna SIGGRAPH conference this summer.
Wow. Though I'd love to do a capella or theatre, if I don't get in, I won't be disappointed. Gravy, I love this place. It's so wonderful to finally* be surrounded in
real life by people that share my great and t00by love for computer graphics.
* Why do split infinitives always sound so much better than the properly-structured alternatives? Bah.