I ROCK. Carmen took me, Shu Kee, Vadim, and Sherpa (so called because he guides us through the treacherous mountains of Calculus) to a Mexican food restaurant at 7th and Chestnut, as she and I were craving good Tex-Mex. Because we were all the way downtown, they decided to check out the docks. Because my comic book store is at 14th and Chestnut, I decided to split with them and pick up the third issue of 1602, as they didn't have it at the shop on 40th. On the way, I saw an ungodly number of discount stores, so I decided to check in and see if I could find a vest-thing for my Nightcrawler costume, now that I'm no longer waffling over the idea and committed to making one. Not only did I find a great vest, I also acquired some navy blue lipstick, eyeshadow, and eyeliner so that I wouldn't have to use any body paint near my eyes or mouth, a really cheap short black wig (I'm still going to cut it a bit; hopefully my wig-styling skills have improved since
8th grade), and a $1 pair of sandals and two pair of tights (blue and black) to provide the base for the feet. Muaha, I am crafty beyond my years! *dashes off to start working*