Wah. Am cold, tired, and people are denying me hot chocolate. Had a splendid evening at the Christine Lavin concert until the train home was 20 minutes late and I had to sit out in the cold for an hour and it was dark and scary and I was alone and there was nowhere I could go and I had no gloves and only thin socks and my hands and feet are still numb and I am still sick and sniffly and had few kleenex and did I mention there's NO HOT CHOCOLATE? Savages! How do you run out of hot chocolate when you know there are cold, PMSing women that ask for nothing more than a bit of chocolatey deliciousness to warm them up a treat and CARMEN HAS HOT CHOCOLATE SHE IS MY SAVIOR and a goddesslike beacon of glory and good things and I LOVE CARMEN and now my hot chocolate has cooled off to the point of drinkability so I can enjoy it's life-giving radiance and warmth.
Happy now.