This morning, I awoke with a start. I looked at the clock: 9:12 (Rachel's clock is 15 minutes fast).
There was a perfect moment of crystallized half-awake terror.
My thought processes: Oh dear god. 9:12. My first class starts at 9. Oh my god, Computer Science. MY MIDTERM!
Then: Wait... I'm not taking Art History anymore. My first class starts at 11, not 9.
Then: Oh. Today is Thursday, not Friday. My first class starts at noon. My midterm is tomorrow. Everything is okay.
I'd love to go to sleep for an extra two hours, but evil workmen are playing with chainsaws RIGHT OUTSIDE MY WINDOW. Gah, what else do they need to do, other than planting grass? I thought the construction was more-or-less finished! Aaaaarg.