Whee! Life is one big hurrah! The past few days have been spent doing nothing but drawing, eating, and sleeping. W00t to the 00t. Yesterday, we got to hang out with Allie (sundancekid on LJ) for a couple hours, which was crazy fun. Today, we went shopping briefly, then rented "Edward Scissorhands" and the first 2 volumes of the Firefly DVD set (of 4). We squealed about Johnny and the groovy music of Danny Elfman and decreed that the actress who plays Joyce, the freaky sexually depraved housewife, would make a fabulous Rita Skeeter. And so now, I'm going to introduce Magsby, The Goddess of Semi-Nakedness, and Alicey, the most prolific artist EVER, to one Dr. Simon Tam. Mrowr! *pokes Mags and Alicey encouragingly*
So yay!