Dear Jasper Fforde,
When your
tour schedule says you're coming to Philadelphia, would it kill you to NOT GO TO A HICK TOWN TWO HOURS NORTH OF PHILLY INSTEAD OF PHILLY ITSELF? Dude, you could have signed my copy of "Molesworth"!
Grudging love,
Dear "Liberal Media,"
Wouldn't it be nice if you lambasted Kerry for anger issues instead of Dean, because Kerry has shown a lot more recent evidence of
anger and ill-temperedness and irritability than Dean? (see the last two paragraphs) Let's see how cool and collected Kerry stays when
he has cameras in his face 24/7. Because if you want to be the President, Mr. Senator, you're going to have to get used to it.
And "Yeeeeeahhhhh!" is not a cry of rage. Get over yourselves.
Much consternation,
P.S.: Compare
this with
this. Grrgh, Kerry.