For Your Consideration LotR Oscar nominations website. *sobs over just about everything*
Oh, and
Orlando Bloom, age 4. And the
M&P quintessential hobbit scenes from RotK. W00t!
... WOAH! I just got totally freaked out! My sister and I are M&P! Melissa and Priscilla. And ever since we first encountered Pippi Longstocking, my family nickname has been Pippi. My middle initial is N, so I am Pippi N. And because my sister also has a male middle name (Hudson), when she was young, she gave herself a second middle name: Mary. We are Mary and Pippi N. Why did it take me this long to notice that? *twilight zone theme plays*
Edit: And, um, my mom's grandfather was a Sam, and one of my dad's rugby buddies had his name legally changed to Gandalf, and er... I think I'll stop right there.