"The space between his nose and his lip. I think it’s called the filtrum. That’s f-i-l-t-r-u-m. Billy’s got a fantastic filtrum. You know how babies have that very cute, sweet little filtrum? Billy’s got the exact same thing! So that would be my #1 favourite thing about Billy."
-- Dom
I AM SO PSYCHIC! Feel the philtrum-love. And Dom, you are excused from the spelling error because you're cool enough to know the word. *hearts* (Edit: Oh. Apparently it can be spelled both ways. I stand corrected.)
Further Edit: Looking for the source of the quote led me to
this interview: Dom's 18 Favourite Things About Billy (
original source here). *is a melted puddle of fangirlish glee*
And let it be known that searching Google for
Filtrum +"billy" results in a disturbing amount of RPS. *fear*