Whee! The
HPVP cards are up! Go squee over their cuteness and general w00tery. I'm a bit disappointed to see such a small turnout ("So few! So few have come!"), but the cards submitted rock, so no worries.
Shout-outs to (among those that read my blog):
Rebecca and Sannali: I absolutely adore the poem! Mmm, Shakespearian parody. So who did what? The line art is obviously Rebecca's, but I'm uncertain about the color and the poem writing. Anyway, fabulous work, my darlings!
Ann: I love them to bits! Hermione and Crookshanks are adoreable. Gah, every detail is perfect. I love Crookshanks' expression most of all! Gah, you rock so much. And the conversation hearts? "Erised uoy"? Sheer genius.
Tanja and Johanne: CAPTION! *dies laughing* I didn't think it could get any funnier, yet it did. You are my heroes. However, don't you think there should be a larger warning on the more racy cards? Tanja's J/L, specifically.
Mon: I love collaborating with you. Schnoogles for putting up with my insistence on this pairing. XD
Jia, I'll try to have it finished tonight. Looks very likely! So yay.