Only the TTT one is up so far, but ah, memories! These are just
brilliant. Molly J Ringwraith's "Lord of the Rings in 10 Minutes" in captioned-screencap comic form!
I'd watch it!
Das Meme:
If you call me
Priscilla, you are the vast majority of planet Earth.
If you call me
Priscellie, you are the vast majority of the Internet.
If you call me
Ellie, you knew me on the internet but haven't heard from me in four years.
If you call me
Ellimist15, what rock have
you been living under?
If you call me
Teena or
Sylvia, I'm sorry, I have to kill you to destroy the evidence.
If you call me
Priscilla Presley, you are one of those girls at my old camp. You thought you were so clever, didn't you?
If you call me
That Girl That Carried The Other Girl In The Play, learn my name.
If you call me
Pip or
Pip Squeak, you are my sister.
If you call me
Scillia, you are Marcelina, and ONLY Marcelina.
If you call me
Spencer, you are Burkhead.
If you call me
muse, you are probably a spam bot trying to sell me viagra.
If you call me
Silly, you are one of my new roommates, driven mad by their quest to find a decent nickname for me.
If you call me
PriNi or
Prune, you are Valentina Collins and we are back in 6th grade.
If you call me
Prisboo, you are Alicey or Maggie.
If you call me
Juan, you are Chungy.
If you call me
Brisillia (or variants thereof), you are that weird employee at this burger place I frequent that probably needs hearing aids.