*snorks* So this makes
3 out of 4 hobbits that have witnessed the horror and hilarity of the Theban Band. Those poor, poor boys. XD
Legolas and Gimli were to ride again together in the company of Aragorn and Gandalf, who went in the van with the Dunedain and the sons of Elrond. --
Return of the King, "The Black Gate Opens"
Did I miss something? Suddenly, the blooper in FotR where a car is visible in the background in the Shire now seems less erroneous. (Yes, so "van" can mean "vanguard" or "forefront." It just made me pause.) Roadie!Aragorn is just too amusing a mental image to pass up. He could name the van Winnebrego! (Ouch, ouch, ouch, I'm so sorry.)
*gets back to reading*