Whee! Purse! I probably should have considered the difficulties of painting details on corderoy beforehand, but I'm quite pleased with the result, so I'm glad I went ahead with it!
Before and
I want to do an emblem of Rohan on the other side in brass... that would rock. Currently looking through my LotR art books for something fitting. In the meantime, I'm going to spend a few days with just the Gondorian white tree to see if adding anything else would be too much. Though it would be quite cool! Instead of deciding each morning to show the world my huge Penn button or my "snarky and political" button side, I could pick between the men of the North or the South. XD
Also, I'm probably going to have to take off the sequins and just paint in the stars, because they definitely look like they're going to fall off. They're too small to form a decend bond with the grain of the corderoy.