Whee! Everyone came tonight! My parents, Rachel, M, Shu Kee, Vadim, Tricia, Jeff... eee, happiness! *schnoogles them all* And M brought me flowers! And Dad sent me flowers a few days ago, but I was too harebrained to mention them! Oh, and the show was sold out, which is always awesome. My second-ever sold out show! Yay!
The show went quite well. Mum and Dad taped it (or at least, my performance) and got a few stills, which I'll have to post when my parents get home. After the show, M shared with my hallmates a 15-minute (at least) rant about various elements of theatre, which was highly entertaining.
I am happy, clean, and slighly incoherent with post-performance delirium. Life is good and tomorrow is the March for Womens' Lives, which I will not be attending, but will be a part of in spirit. Ko is bringing my camera, so hopefully she shall return with lovely pictures. Everyone that's going: Have crazy fun! Be safe! Get me a t-shirt!
Does anyone know if there will be any live video feeds of any of the event?