My mom has developed a viscious mean streak. She has decided that I need to wake up at 7:45 every morning to go exercising with her, because that's the time she says I'd wake up if I had a job or if I was going to summer school. So apparently now I'm not allowed to sleep in during the last free summer I'll ever have (before retirement, at least), as I'm sure I'll be getting a job next summer.
She rationalizes the ungodly hour by saying that it's 9:00 Philadelphia time. Well when I'm in Philadelphia I'll let her know. I wouldn't really like to wake up at 9AM either. And guess what? It's 4:45AM Alaska time! Does that have any bearing on my being awake while I'm in Dallas? No. If she wants me to be industrious, she should let me stay on my own natural sleep cycle. I tried to exercise at 8 in the morning yesterday, and I could barely even comprehend reality, my head was so fuzzy. I'll operate heavy machinery when I'm good and coherent, thankyouverymuch.
Have I done something to offend her or anger her? Is this some passive-agressive vengance for wronging her in some way? Grghlfsg, maybe I'll feel better after a shower...