Back from sunny, gorgeous Santa Fe! Keith Carter is even more godlike in person, one of my classmates bought a print of
Dream for $175 (unmatted and unframed), and though usually very sparing with compliments, Keith said my photographs were "without a doubt, the single best work from a 19-year-old I've ever seen." Pardon me whilst I keel over and die.
It'll be a while before I can post anything coherent, as I am still rendered senseless from squeeage, and I'm at LJ friends?skip=975. But I did get to see Ko while breezing through Albuquerque! (Wow, I hope I spelled that correctly. Weird Al is no help. "A! L! B! U! ... querque!") I'm a bit disappointed to have neglected World Blog Haiku Day, but I look forward to next year, when it will be celebrated on 5-7-05. W00t!
And now, I take my temporary leave. *dives into Friends page*