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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
![]() Feeling a bit upset due to past uglies rearing their three-years-buried heads. Hopefully all shall be resolved soon, but in the meantime, bleh. So instead of grousing over said incredibly vexing thing that I will not blog about, I will distract myself by instead posting pictures taken at A-Kon that finally appeared on the cosplay.com website. Hurrah! Feeling less grouchy already!
Teh Kell Teh Crouch Teh Fangirl (aka "I will eat your babies!") Teh Shoddily Painted Ear Job Teh Cuteness Teh End Gravy I love those pants. One shower later, I'm surfing my archives from 2001. Good lord, how did you put up with me? I want to hit my past self in the head with something heavy and blunt. Priscilla said at 11:13 PM ![]() Gmail users with extra invite codes: consider donating your extra codes to Gmail4Troops.com, an organization set up to make gmail accounts available for troops overseas. Its speedy interface and large amount of free space make it very attractive to servicemen and women, who can take advantage of the gig of free space to store movies and photos from loved ones, without having to worry about having to delete them. Sounds good? Donate now!
And for those of my readers who want an invite code themselves, I still have a couple left over (they gave me 6 and I've donated 3 so far). Let me know in the comment field if you want one. Priscilla said at 10:30 AM
Monday, August 30, 2004
![]() My lovelies! Update your address books!
My email address is now priscellie(at)theninemuses(dot)net -- with the @ replacing (at) and the . replacing (dot) of course; gotta do something to deter the spam bots -- or priscellie(at)gmail(dot)com. I rarely check priscilla@theninemuses.net, as it has been overtaken by spam and tries to eat my brain lest I retain constant vigilance. So don't email me there. Email me at one of the priscellie addresses, and life will be good. I switched over a couple months ago, but I'm still getting mail from friends at priscilla@tnm.n, so yeah. (And I use the gmail account with amazon, for those of you cool like Renata that feel like sending me discounts. :D) Email me if you want my snail mail address at school. Postcards and such are always welcome, as are giant shipping crates that open to reveal scantily clad Sean Maher/Billy Boyd/Alan Cumming/James Marsters/Chris Rankin/etc, eager to serve me hot chocolate and give me foot massages, or smile at me in a really adoreable way, or read the phone book, depending on the guh-factor of the individual's accent. I'm not picky. So... yeah. That's all I have to say about that. :D Priscilla said at 2:42 PM ![]() Check out the image at the top of this page. I think my dislike of Macs just dropped twelve points.
Rumor has it Steve Jobs is a Joss fan? Good taste, that man. :D Meanwhile, it appears Joss has been slated to write and direct X-Men 3. That high-pitched noise people in Australia just heard was my squeal of glee. Priscilla said at 1:05 AM
Sunday, August 29, 2004
![]() Updated WIAN a smidge. Favourite new entry other than Phineas Nigellus: Amarillo Lestoat. Bwahaha, I love it when JKR is unflinchingly mean.
Priscilla said at 12:08 AM
Saturday, August 28, 2004
![]() Nothing makes a good day better better than several dozen Billy Boyd picspams. Happy Birthday indeed. :D
Priscilla said at 7:52 PM ![]() I AM SO AMAZINGLY GOOD! I had to do a crazy dance around the house before I could even sit down at my desk long enough to write a blog entry! I am so proud of my etymological researching skills right now I could explode.
I got an email this morning from a teacher thanking me for my efforts on WIAN, saying that she frequently references my website when teaching her class, and offering a suggestion for "Hedwig" her students came up with. This motivated me to get back to work and try to get a lot more headway in the updating of WIAN before getting back to school. So for the last hour, I've been trying to figure out where the Phineas came from in Phineas Nigellus, Sirius Black's great-great-grandfather. I looked into at least six different Phineases (Phineai?) from history, literature, and myth, before randomly considering the similar "Phinehas," which I learned was an ancient Egyptian word for a black person. I AM SO GOOD. I think this is the proudest I've ever been of myself etymology-wise. The closest I can think of to being this WIAN-happy is when I read The Akashic Record's take on "auror," which had been bugging me for ages. But this was a seemingly impossible name I figured out on my own, and I am therefore fabulous! MAN today is a good day. TheFreeDictionary.com is my new love affair. Edit: Oops, I lied. Phinehas was the name of a person whose name derived from "black person" in Egyptian. Close enough. But he was the son of a high priest, and found guilty of "irreverence in doing his priestly duties." Somehow that phrase makes me laugh a lot. Priscilla said at 6:51 PM ![]() Various Mini Blog Entries Compressed to One:
Ganked from Rebecca M, how come no one told me of this website's existence? Also, Mimi is awesome, because she randomly linked here, which made my day, because I spent a pathetic amount of time yesterday trying to remember how to spell "floccinaucinihilipilification." Renata might be interested to know: Yahoo! News -- Kevin Smith plans "Clerks" sequel Today (meaning the 28th) is Billy Boyd's birthday! Mmm, Scot-oh-my-heart! The man with the golden philtrum! A core member of my Devastatingly Attractive Man Squad! Stripey-Panted Wonder in one film and Prince of the Halflings in another. Gurgle. Priscilla said at 1:55 AM
Friday, August 27, 2004
![]() Oooooh! Roll call who's still in Dallas! The director's cut of Donnie Darko is at the Inwood! We must party!
(Hmm. When I get sick of this blog layout--estimated time 1-4 days--I think I'll do a Donnie Darko themed one. That would be entertaining.) Priscilla said at 6:57 PM
Thursday, August 26, 2004
![]() Whee! Mum and I got the fabric for the Sally costume this afternoon! I can't wait to start piecing it together.
Priscilla said at 5:23 PM ![]() Delirium! That's it! Thanks to gg_83 (by the way--do I know you by another name?) for providing me with mental solace. I knew there was some other character I had thought of that I was considering for Halloween, and that was it. But I talked with my mom this evening about going as Sally, and I definitely want to go for it. It will require warp speed, but we shall prevail! I'm now skimming through the movie, snapping up references for the dress. Whee!
Priscilla said at 1:00 AM
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
![]() Dude. Makes a girl wish she watched Farscape.
And WOAH, have you guys seen the stills from MirrorMask Neil posted in his blog today? Click here. Guh. I think I am more than slightly in love with Dave McKean. Discworld fans should get a chuckle out of this. (And OOOOH, they updated the Annotated Pratchett File!) Priscilla said at 9:29 PM ![]() Oh, Kerry! You go on The Daily Show to show the world you have a delightful sense of humor, not to rehash what you say in every other interview! *heavy sigh*
Oh well. In less disappointing news, my dad surprised me this morning by bringing home from storage a set of three original Ronald Searle drawings, which he had purchased years ago at an art auction. When I graduate college and get an apartment, they are definitely going in places of prominence on the walls. Eeeee, Searle is so awesome. He's the guy that illustrated the Molesworth books and The Belles of St-Trinians, among others. The tnm.n layout I just replaced was his artwork. <3 Ronald Searle! Such coolness. Also, I finished my Blue Sun shirt last night (oh my aching wrists!) and wore it with pride today. See images one and two, and a third of me channeling River (not that she would ever wear a Blue Sun shirt, considering what she does to all other Blue Sun merchandise on the show). XD Dad: So what can you tell me about this "Blue Sun"? Me: Well, it's a massive corporation on the TV show Firefly, the name brand you see everywhere, on foodstuffs and supplies and-- Dad: Like Halliburton? Me: ...Funny, as I was just about to say "Rachel and I theorize that it's evil." *snickets* Priscilla said at 7:35 PM ![]() Gah. I realize that I haven't given much thought to Halloween this year. Brainstorming has been disappointingly fruitless. I've toyed with the idea of going as Sally from "The Nightmare Before Christmas," but seeing as I only have a week left in Dallas to use mom's sewing machine, I'm thinking that idea's out the window.
Then I thought of Illyria, from Angel, but I think I want someone more recognizable. And if I did do Illyria, it would be her outfit from the first half of "Shells," when she's still wearing Fred's clothes, as I wouldn't feel comfortable walking around in public in her normal attire, especially after all the stares I got wearing the breastplate for my Angua costume, and given the pathetically small number of students that actually dress up. Still, not sure if I want to go blue two years in a row. :D A few months ago, M and my roomies mentioned the idea of dressing up as various HP characters, but I can't help feeling that's been done to death. So what other fandoms can I plunder? There's always Firefly, and I spent quite a large chunk of yesterday evening working on a Blue Sun shirt, but like Illyria, I don't think the characters would be recognizable enough. I know that shouldn't bother me, as I've maybe had two recognizable costumes from first grade to my senior year, but I was spoiled by the attention I got dressing up as Nightcrawler last year, so bah. Woah, speaking of! Buffy.nu has the Serenity teaser trailer available for download here! The quality is abysmal, but hey, what can you do? Except frowl over the lack of Simonage in the trailer, of course. Most vexing. Hmm... what other fandoms are there to be mined? ::sigh:: life is so hard. Priscilla said at 11:32 AM
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
![]() The sidebar is still wonky, but I felt like getting the new blog layout up anyway. Not fabulous, but oh well. I'm happy for the moment. Infinite love to Jasper Fforde, author of The Eyre Affair, Lost in a Good Book, The Well of Lost Plots, and Something Rotten. Toast Marketing Board propoganda by Maggy and Stewart Roberts.
Priscilla said at 4:26 PM ![]() At Sannali's request, I threw together a bunch of new link buttons. Here they are. If anyone wants a different dimension than 200x40, speak up and I shall provide!
(Oh, and I would appreciate any comments you might have on the new layout. :D) Priscilla said at 12:24 PM ![]() Apparently John Kerry is going to be on The Daily Show tomorrow night. This I gotta see.
*reminisces about Dean as the Teletubby sun* Priscilla said at 12:55 AM
Monday, August 23, 2004
![]() I also put up a mini websitelet thing for The Sandman Project. Let that tide you over until I finish the art gallery.
Priscilla said at 10:17 PM ![]() tnm.n has a new look! After over two years! Version 3.0: "Project Sepia," for lack of a better name. Everything is up except for the art gallery, which will be getting a major restructuring. Expect the illustration gallery within the next few days and the photographic gallery a little later than that. I'm working on a website for my family's photographic business, and I'm probably just going to link to my section of that. More professional and all.
Priscilla said at 8:50 PM
Sunday, August 22, 2004
![]() *snorks* Air America and Time Out New York present Take A Republican To Lunch Week. Man, I love liberals. XD
Priscilla said at 1:51 PM ![]() Wow. Two different websites in one evening that render me incapable of breathing due to attempts to stifle laughter and not awaken parents. Olympic slash. There are no words.
Priscilla said at 2:35 AM ![]() Hey! According to JKR's website, today (the 22nd) is Percy's birthday! Hah, I can't wait until the PINE-ers launch their "Let's figure out this date's astrological and historical significance!" initiative when the news spreads across the web in the morning. I may have to join them. :D Bwahaha, gotta love rabid Percy fans!
Priscilla said at 2:06 AM
Saturday, August 21, 2004
![]() Kell linked to this Latin translation of "Baby Got Back." I am unable to breathe.
Priscilla said at 11:38 PM
Friday, August 20, 2004
![]() Happy Birthday to the devastatingly attractive James Marsters! 42 today!
Priscilla said at 12:14 PM
Thursday, August 19, 2004
![]() Jerome Moo has given the world the best Umbridge ever. I am traumatized for life. *goes off in search of more of his stuff*
Later: Ooh! and ooh! A bit more Potter in the second link. Priscilla said at 11:45 PM ![]() Hee, these are cute. PSAs for Voting Registration, directed by Kevin Smith! Hurrah! And for those of you not registered to vote yet, get your booties in gear and register while you're there! And for any of my friends who are American citizens over the age of 18 and not registered to vote? We are not brothers.
Priscilla said at 7:29 PM
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
![]() From an interview with Joss Whedon:
"The reason I feel strongly about doing a sequel is [when] you make a movie, there are so many things, especially because it was based on a series that was supposed to run for so long—there are so many things that you want to do that you're unable to do or discover in the process that you want to explore, the most important of which is that Adam Baldwin really wants to wear a kilt."...I just went to a very happy mental place right now. I'd never considered it before and I don't want to see it written into the script for the fangirls' sake, but gravy, he would look really, really good in a kilt. Ah, Joss. Shirtless Simon, nekkid Spike... You have no shame, and we love you for it. Mmm, shirtless Simon. Priscilla said at 11:36 PM ![]() Woo! A snippet from the next Discworld book, Going Postal! September 28th, kids!
Priscilla said at 9:08 PM
Monday, August 16, 2004
Dude, how did I not know this community existed? Harry Potter fanart in the style of and/or mocking famous works throughout art history? Someone is a genius. Maybe when I finish the CG on the Olympia!Bellatrix collab with Mon I'll have to post it there. XD Priscilla said at 11:03 PM ![]() Holy cow! While running errands, I stopped by my local comics store to see if they had a manga Mon recommended to me. They didn't have it, but they did have a bunch of Gaiman stuff I hadn't seen before, much to my delight. I spent some time poring over the graphic novels, trying to decide which ones were most worthy, and I chatted briefly with the clerk. When he went to ring up my purchases, he gave me the store's card so that I would have their website address, then he grinned and gave me his card, because "It has my phone number on it, and I want you to call me because I think you're really cute."
!!!!! I was just hit on by a random stranger! In a non-lecherous way! Bwahaha! Man, it's fun to be a girl in a comics store. Priscilla said at 7:02 PM
Sunday, August 15, 2004
![]() *snerks*
Kerry Unveils One-Point Plan For Better America (from The Onion) And less funny: The Cost of the War Priscilla said at 10:55 AM ![]() Oooh, more Tealin art! Gravy I adore her stuff.
Talk Like A Pirate Day will be here in just over a month! Wow, I just spelled that "munth." Maybe I should go to sleep soon, yes? Anyway, start polishing your pirate parley post-haste! Mmm, gotta love having a week's worth of unread flist posts. It's like getting a big box of candy. Which reminds me: is there a date for the RotK:EE release date yet? Okay, sleep now. Priscilla said at 3:45 AM ![]() Mmmmm. Just downloaded a bunch of tracks from the Edward Scissorhands soundtrack. I was reminded of my Danny Elfman love when I observed that one of the artists at SIGGRAPH had used a snippet from the soundtrack as a stand-in score for a shortened version of his film. I'm going to get the CD tomorrow. Oh Danny Elfman, how I love thee!
In other news, this has me in tears of laughter. Thank you, Shoomlah, for making my day more politically hilarious! Her "What'd you have for lunch today?" Avenue Q icon randomly reminds of lunch today with mum and dad at Balls Hamburgers, which is managed by a very nice guy that always makes sure I get plenty of extra pickes for my cheeseburger, and also loves getting into political discussions as he is a die hard Conservative. When I made a joke about the burgers tasting better with Heinz ketchup, he told me that he had just bought four cases (64 bottles) of W Ketchup, which is quite possibly my favourite ridiculous Conservative product alternative. He threatened to replace all the Heinz bottles with W if Kerry won. Hee! Priscilla said at 2:46 AM ![]() Hawhaw! They're releasing the first season of Hetty Wainthropp Investigates on DVD. Some time when I'm back in Dallas I'll have to rent it just to chortle over mini!Dom Monaghan. Not to mention mini!Dom Monaghan in drag. Hey, now I remember! That's who I reminded myself of at the PoA midnight showing when I wore my "Gryffindor Boys Are Easy"-style Hogwarts uniform and Kell's platinum blonde wig! Haha, drag!Dom is secretly a HP Mary Sue! Hehehe, I'm sure screencaps alone cannot do the episode justice. I wonder if and when my beloved local independent movie store will acquire the set for rental...
In the meantime, the airport found my The Incredibles poster, so all swag has been merrily accounted for. W00t! Oh, and Something Rotten was fantastic. I love you, Jasper Fforde. Priscilla said at 2:21 AM
Saturday, August 14, 2004
![]() Home again! Siggraph was fantabulous. Alas, coming back home last night, I accidently left my favourite piece of swag--a poster from Pixar advertising "The Incredibles"--on the airplane, which is sad, but oh well. I'll see if Paul (my DMD friend interning at Pixar this summer and fall) could get his hands on another for me. It all works out. :D
As most of the "Intermediate" level courses were WAY over my head, I mostly stuck to the Beginning Level, which on the most part seemed to deal with special effects and 3D animation in recent movies. Therefore, I spent a lot of my time gurgling over SFX breakdowns of scenes in LotR, Shrek 2, The Matrix Revolutions, Van Helsing, The Day After Tomorrow, Harry Potter, etc. My respect for these films has increased a thousandfold. I had never really comprehended exactly how much detail and finesse went into these movies; sometimes the special effects are so seamless you forget they're there. And if these effects happen to be tied in with a storyline that isn't particularly impressive, as is the case in a few of the aforementioned movies, sometimes it's hard to separate the awesome special effects from the lame story. Very eye-opening. Photos to come later! In the meantime, I need to catch up on a week of flist posts! Priscilla said at 11:21 AM
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
![]() Grfgh. I just wrote a massive entry about the various glees of Siggraph so far, but Blogger ate it. So much woe! I don't have time to rewrite it now, as I'm off to lunch before the next course thing, so I'll just say now that I'm having so much crazy fun, I've aquired a hefty amount of swag, and after the Weta Digital demonstration/presentation/course-thing, I want to watch all the battle scenes in LotR in slow motion just to take in all the Massive detail and such I had never internalized before. GUH of all GUHs.
Priscilla said at 4:04 PM
Saturday, August 07, 2004
![]() Off to LA! Siggraph, here I come! *squees*
Priscilla said at 3:39 PM ![]() Ooh, an update on MirrorMask! Guh, this movie is going to be gurgle city. I want to be Dave McKean. I want Dave McKean's beautiful artistic babies. Dave McKean + Neil Gaiman = Priscilla is a happy girl.
Do I remember reading in Neil's blog that parts of the movie were shot in infrared film? Because that's just awesome. And speaking of infrared, does anyone know if "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" makes use of infrared film? I rather doubt it, but it does have that look. No luck Googling, but ooh, this is interesting. I am so going to see that movie solely for the technology. XD Priscilla said at 12:38 AM ![]() Finally got around to seeing the new HHGTG teaser. Not much to say about it, given its abrupt length and lack of actual footage. The logo is nice. :D
Opinion Guage on Current Status of HHGTG Film: "Well, it looks like it'll be better than the BBC version!" After all, Disney brought us Pirates of the Caribbean. Priscilla said at 12:17 AM
Friday, August 06, 2004
![]() "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." --best Bushism EVER
In other news, I just discovered the Memory Archives on Rightclicklick, which makes me a very very happy person. :D Priscilla said at 12:39 AM
Thursday, August 05, 2004
![]() Whee, Something Rotten comes out today! *zooms off to Borders*
Priscilla said at 5:41 PM
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
![]() CHUNGY IS HOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GLEEEEEEEEE SO MUCH LOVE!!!! *schnoogleglomp*
Priscilla said at 4:00 PM
Monday, August 02, 2004
![]() *giggles* One more attempt to dissuade Nader from running. Hee, it looks like they're proposing marriage. Or about to burst into song. XD
Priscilla said at 10:28 PM ![]() *sings*
I've been having a bad, bad day. Come on, won't you put that pad away? I'm asking you please no! It isn't right, it isn't fair. There was no parking anywhere! I think that hydrant wasn't there... Why can't you let it go? I think I've paid more than my share. I'm just a poor girl, don't you care?... So yeah. There goes my BEAUTIFUL PRISTINE GORGEOUS SPOTLESS PURE-AS-THE-NEW-FALLEN-SNOW TRAFFIC RECORD. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH. I was babysitting the kidlets again, and because there was no room in the driveway when I arrived, I just parked on the street, which I did rather frequently when I babysat them last month. But noooo, apparently since then, the North side of the street has been declared a No Parking Zone, and I got ticketed. SO NOT COOL. Joe (the dad) was very sympathetic about it, and he offered to pay the ticket (which was only $30), and Dad says it's not the kind of thing that goes on one's record, but still, it's annoying. I remain incensed and cross! I'm thankful that I live in a neighborhood where the police officers have nothing better to do than ticket poor innocent me, but AARG. They have shattered my perfect no-accidents, no-tickets, no-other-traffic-violations, all-in-all-perfect-driver record. And my face is sunburned and peeling from Colorado! The world gives me no love! I will drown my sorrows by watching all the Spike bits from the various Buffy and Angel episodes I have downloaded on my computer. Mmm, pretty eyes. Gurgle. Priscilla said at 7:34 PM
Sunday, August 01, 2004
![]() I'm going to set up a website for my family's new photography business. Any hosts to recommend? I've had generally good service from your-site.com, but sometimes it doesn't seem as fast as other hosts. Thoughts?
Priscilla said at 10:50 PM ![]() Back! *zooms off to check flist etc*
Priscilla said at 5:27 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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