Mmmmm. Just downloaded a bunch of tracks from the Edward Scissorhands soundtrack. I was reminded of my Danny Elfman love when I observed that one of the artists at SIGGRAPH had used a snippet from the soundtrack as a stand-in score for a shortened version of his film. I'm going to get the CD tomorrow. Oh Danny Elfman, how I love thee!
In other news,
this has me in tears of laughter. Thank you, Shoomlah, for making my day more politically hilarious! Her "What'd you have for lunch today?" Avenue Q icon randomly reminds of lunch today with mum and dad at Balls Hamburgers, which is managed by a very nice guy that always makes sure I get plenty of extra pickes for my cheeseburger, and also loves getting into political discussions as he is a die hard Conservative. When I made a joke about the burgers tasting better with Heinz ketchup, he told me that he had just bought four cases (64 bottles) of
W Ketchup, which is quite possibly my favourite ridiculous Conservative product alternative. He threatened to replace all the Heinz bottles with W if Kerry won. Hee!