Smallville season premiere. Mmmmmm, scantily-clad Tom Welling. Complete with Butt Dimples. Combine it with a scoop of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream and a girl can be blissfully happy, despite period woes and The Return of the Coughing Up of Small Amounts of Blood style sickliness. If I can't get Ewan McGregor to sing to me, naked Tom Welling will suffice in a pinch. The only way life would be better is if it wasn't at the same time as
Lost, making me choose between him and Dominic Monaghan. *shakes fist at the heavens* His accent is so pretty! Teh sob.
And oooh, news from the creator of My Other Shows That Have No Scruples Regarding Scantily-Claddedness,
Joss Whedon! Ah, Joss Whedon. You make the world a better place.
And this is why I should never let myself start posting political stuff, because then I can't stop. Feel free to... I dunno. Set fire to my blog and poke fun at my loved ones.
First off: *jaw drops* There are
no words.
good grief, please tell me Bill O'Reilly doesn't actually believe this. Because if so, he wins my Gold Star Of Completely Missing The Point for today.
This makes me feel a bit better, because we can laugh at him for being a bitter and jealous old man. 87%? I am so amused. Wow, I can't believe I'm just now realizing what an idiot Bill O'Reilly is. I mean, they talk about it all the time on Air America, but I'd never really experienced it firsthand. Zounds.