Whee! Just when I was thinking I had nothing artsy worth giving to Pterry, I remembered that not all my Discworld art is old and lame or inside-jokey! Young Vetinari! Score! Oooh, I hope I can use one of the keen printers tomorrow before I meet him. I'd be a lot happier being able to give him a quality print, rather than something off my dinky-in-comparison printer. I hope there's not a wait to reinstate my printing priviledges... thankfully, I'll be able to ask first period in my 3D Modeling and Animation course. Whoo! And it'll be nice to be able to print some of my Sandman images to put in the common room... and I'll be able to finally print a copy of "Dream" for Linda, the woman from my Santa Fe workshop who bought a print.
Edit: I tried a test print here, and it's not that bad. Still, the color is a bit dingy, and it would be nice to have a better quality paper. Eee, I hope he likes it and is not horrified and confused by my senseless abuse of canon! :D