The Cult of Lincoln

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Priscilla said at 3:18 PM


Meme, ganked from Rebecca M!

1. Tell me one thing you love about me.

2. Tell me two things you love about yourself. This one I'm particularly interested in, so make it good. I mean it. No self-deprecation allowed!

3. Look through the comments ~ when you see someone you know, tell them three things you love about them. (Am adding my own addendum to this - you DO NOT have to do this bit if you have already filled in this meme at said person's own journal. *smug*)

4. Do this in your journal so I can tell you what I love about YOU - and if you've already done it, tell me so, so that I can go back and give you some love. (Optional, of course.)

Priscilla said at 2:13 PM


Another link post! 100% non-political!

The old Star Wars Gangsta Rap has been reanimated.

Jane Espenson and Joss Whedon are planning a Buffy Season 8 in Comic Book Form. The rabid Spuffy devotee in me just died a little. Maybe it will help that Jane is such an obvious Spuffy shipper, and the "High Stakes" Joss chat made it pretty clear that he prefers Spike over Angel (and the snippets we've gotten of Joss' "Chosen" commentary would make any Spuffy shipper squeal with uncontrollabe glee), but still, wah. I guess we'll find out if Joss was joking about the ending of "Not Fade Away": (spoiler warning? Not really, because yeah, Joss was kidding) "...If you like, I can tell you [how it ends]. Gunn pretty much dies (gasp from back), Illyria lives, Spike, he got the Shanshu, um, Angel gets his arm cut off. Um... Xander loses another eye which is weird because he's not even there." Oh well. If there is no Spuffy, there's always the happy land of Canon Denial and AU fanfiction.

A Halloween Treat from!

Okay, make that 75% politics free: "Avenue Q & A" -- Bush and Kerry puppets battle on Broadway at Times Square in mock debate. Photos here!

Priscilla said at 9:15 AM


Dear Vice-President (for now) Cheney,

What kind of drugs are you on?

In Awe,

For anyone interested, here's a shot of the crowd at the Clinton N' Kerry Rally I attended last weekend. You see that lightpost right behind the big blue Kerry banner on the bottom left? I'm standing about three feet behind it, obscured by foliage. XD And while you're on that page, check out Eminem's "Mosh." I wonder how many will show up at the polls in black hoodies?

More Political Links!

Reason #57,849,325,893 Bush is an Asshat

MoveOn (via Heidi): What To Do If Someone Tries To Stop You From Exercising Your Right To Vote

The Nation: 100 Facts and 1 Opinion

JewsWeek: A Jewish Critique of Bushism

An LJ-er: A Word To The Wise

Salon: NASA photo analyst: Bush wore a device during debate

Drudge Report (I know, I'm sorry): Bin Laden Transcript

NASA Scientist: Bush Stifles Global Warming Evidence

MTV PRElection: Kerry Wins PRElection in a Landslide

A Handful of Quotes (nonpartisan) Debunks Bush/Cheney 'Wolf Pack' ad

LA Times: Impact of New Voters


New Delhi Astrologers Predict a Win For Kerry

Yahoo: Bush Voted "Best Movie Villain of the Year"

Former Nader Advisors and Former Running Mate Urge Support For Kerry

Reuters: Kerry Uses President's Own Words To Call Him Unfit 2004's Scariest Halloween Costumes

And Now, For Something Completely Mildly Different: Man, if I wasn't already voting for Kerry, this would have swayed my vote. CUTEST THING EVER. (And even cuter, Ko says it looks like a Rufus Bear, helping kids to cope with and learn about juvenile diabetes.)

Priscilla said at 1:14 AM


Saturday, October 30, 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen?
The October Surprise

Also, similar articles from CNN, Fox, and Al Jazeera

Priscilla said at 2:07 AM


Friday, October 29, 2004

*squeaks* Just watched the latest ep of "Lost." Charlie/guitar is the new Spike/clipboard. My love for Dominic Monaghan knows no bounds.

Priscilla said at 11:47 PM


*squeals with delight*

Idina Menzel confirms role in Rent movie. I don't think I'll ever feel good about the Rent movie, especially with Chris Columbus at the helm, but this is certainly a big step in the direction of The Good. And rumor has it that Taye Diggs and Jesse L Martin are confirmed as well, with a high likelihood for Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal as well. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

In other news, Anthropologists Unearth Hobbit Skeletons

Priscilla said at 1:03 AM


Thursday, October 28, 2004

Congrats to all the Red Sox fans! Now let's just hope that Massachusetts beats Texas this Tuesday, if you take my meaning. :D

Priscilla said at 12:19 AM


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

For Spike fans: Man, I was warned that this video was funny, but holy cow. I cannot breathe for laughing. Sheer evil genius! Every second is gold.

And ask and you shall receive! Rebecca and Allison asked for detail shots of Jack, so here they are!

Priscilla said at 5:46 PM


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Finished my Nightmare Before Christmas scene! Click here to see it!

Speaking of TNMBC, I was thinking aloud with Ko about when exactly I would wear my Sally costume. I'd like to be able to wear it to class, but as Halloween falls on a Sunday... bah. I'd be able to wear it to Sunday rehearsal, as the dress is easy enough to move around in and the shoes I'm wearing for the costume are the shoes I got for the show, and I'd be surrounded by musical geeks who would certainly appreciate the costume... and now that I think about it, of course, Sunday is great. Forget Friday. Hurrah!

Priscilla said at 11:51 PM


Does anyone know if there will be a transcript available for the Joss Whedon "High Stakes" conference call thing?

Edit: Okay, so we have this review-ish thing from AICN, and CousinJean has this to say about the future of the Buffyverse. So that's something. Awaiting more! Wah, why does have to go all wonky today of all days?

Also, YES, YES, YES!!!!!!! This is the best news I've heard regarding the Rent movie.

In other movie news, Dreamworks is considering a sequel to Galaxy Quest

And this film concept Shooting Stars sounds awesome beyond words.

(Yay, finally an entry where the main theme is not politics! Well, "High Stakes" was essentially "Joss Fans For Kerry", but that doesn't count. Piffle.)

At mom's request, I've made links a bit more distinctive. I wasn't really aware of how similar to the text they were. So I've reddened them a bit to set them apart from the background and text, and I've added back the underline. In my next layout, I'll be sure to use a wider color range so it doesn't feel weird to have multiple hues. Thoughts?

Priscilla said at 1:31 PM


Monday, October 25, 2004

I made a new LJ icon! I am far too entertained.

So I just got back from the Kerry N' Clinton rally downtown (my pictures turned out rather worthless, but I'll probably post a few tomorrow), which was quite awesome. There were so many people it boggled the mind! I hear they're estimating 100-120 thousand people! We were packed in so tightly that I probably could have lifted my feet up and hung, suspended by the shoulders, by the press of bodies. They must have brought out every Democratic elected official (and those running for office) the city had to offer! Including Carol Moseley-Braun, w00t! I'm so glad I was able to get back to Philly on an earlier train this morning, because otherwise I doubt I would have gotten a good spot. The lines were unbelieveable, and I arrived at the time the gates opened, two hours before the rally began! Zounds.

So yes! I spent Friday evening and Saturday and Sunday in NYC with Mum, where we got to see Avenue Q and Hairspray. The shows were fabulous, and the "George Bush is only for now" line from Avenue Q received riotous applause. I asked Jennifer Barnhart what they were going to do when this was no longer the case, and she just said she hoped it was sooner rather than later. :D And in one of the final numbers of Hairspray, I started thinking about the message of "Men at Arms", and if I should consider doing "Feet of Clay" instead (I've been going through a lot of MAA angst lately), and it suddenly came to me how I could give the show actual meaning and purpose, and a message beyond "um, yay diversity, and terrorism is bad, mkay?". Finally, it clicked! Oh, life is so good now.

And Sunday evening, after the Hairspray matinee, I got to have dinner with Maggie! *tackles her with love* We talked about her work, my schooling, and a lot of politics, which is pretty much staple for my conversations now. The woman I shared a table with today at Corner Bakery after the Kerry rally because there were no free tables because the place was swamped with Democrats? Politics. Dinners and lunches with Mum in NYC? Politics. God, 8 days. I am so terrified.

Anyway, Maggie looked great, and she's clearly having a ball with her job. She's definitely chosen a niche where she can thrive. I can't wait to see the ad campaigns she's been working on! She promised to post them in her LJ as soon as they were released into the public, and were no longer confidential. And I also wheedled her about drawing Good Omens fanart and reading more of the Watch books when her projects calmed down. Tra-la!

On the other end of the emotional spectrum, however, I am terrified for Jamie Lee, the older brother of Tiffany Lee, the girl who was my best friend all through Lower and most of Middle School. I found out a few days ago that he had enlisted, and he has already been to both Afganistan and Iraq. He's back in America now, but we don't know if he'll be able to leave the service on the day originally scheduled, or if he'll be forced to stay on, like so many other soldiers around him. And if he stays on, we don't know if he'll have any say in where he is dispatched. The sudden "disappearance" of the 380 tons of RDX and HMX explosive in Iraq is terrifying. How the hell do you lose 380 tons of anything? The White House's response:
"In the grand scheme -- and on a grand scale -- there are hundreds of tons of weapons, munitions, artillery, explosives that are unaccounted for in Iraq," the official said. "And like the Pentagon has said, there is really no way the U.S. military could safeguard all of these weapons depots or find all of these missing materials."
Is that supposed to make us feel better? Especially when Bush-Cheney campaign spokesman Steve Schmidt added
"John Kerry has no vision for fighting and winning the war on terror, so he is basing his attack on the headlines he wakes up to each day."
Shouldn't breaking news have some relevance in this election? What a fool. It reminds me of that time when Rumsfeld was asked how many soldiers had died in Iraq, and he said "about 500" when the number was over 700. Shouldn't the administration keep tabs on this kind of thing? The way this war has been managed is appalling. So who are you going to vote for? Bush and Dick "Looting Happens" Cheney, or John "read this Newsweek article and tell me again I have a weak national security and foreign policy record" Kerry and John Edwards?

Please keep Jamie in your thoughts and prayers. And for God's ssake, vote for Kerry-Edwards.

Priscilla said at 3:54 PM


Friday, October 22, 2004

This piece by David Brock is probably the funniest debate parody I've seen. Well, this is up there, too.

Jason Teague on Smallville looks too much like Jimmy Bond from "The Lone Gunmen." It makes me nostalgic, even though I only saw maybe half the episodes. Is it bad that I'm still freaked out three years later when I think of how the first episode of TLG featured terrorists trying to fly a passenger plane into one of the World Trade Center towers?

Also, Lost is so awesome. God bless and for giving me the simultaneous gifts of Lost and Smallville. Ah, Dominic Monaghan. The world needs more Dominic Monaghan.

Priscilla said at 1:03 AM


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

So the Dean vs. Buchanan debatey thing has come and gone. *shakes fist at rehearsal schedule* You know, Fate, when I said I'd do anything to see Dean tonight, that is not your cue to be clever and have tonight's Film History screening be "Rebel Without a Cause." Hardy har har. I'll have to talk to Brady and Matt about what went down. Wah, my second chance to see Dean, fruitless. Teh woe.

So instead of moping, I have miscellaneous quoteage!

Ko: Buchanan did say something about not voting for Kerry.
Me: ... Even after he endorsed Kerry over the Iraq war?
Ko: Apparently.
Me: Flip-flopper.

Me: Is it a bad thing that I can't help but smile when I think of Giles violently beating Angel with a flaming baseball bat?

Ko [re: Angel]: The whole thing with, he did all this horrible stuff as a vampire, then he got a soul and he has to be guilty FOREVER? He's like the ultimate Catholic.

Ko [re: OldSchool!Spike]: Even though he would gladly dine on the brains of the Good People, he would do so in a way that he would be funny and make you laugh, and even though he's technically still evil, he's so snarky, so you're like "GO SPIKE!--WAIT, NO YOU ARE EVIL."

[regarding what would happen if I ever set Ko on fire]
Ko: On that day, there will be Words.
Me: Because we never exchange witty banter on a regular basis?
Ko: No, Words.
Me: Ah. "Words" italicized, or perhaps with a capital 'W'.
Ko: Wh--Ah. A sign that I just finished studying Spanish. I just thought "but 'words' starts with a P!"

And the requisite linkfest:

Check out the new Artistic Alley Gallery!

MollyRingWraith's latest challenge: LotR as told through lines adapted from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and its sequels.

Yahoo!News: Bush Receives Endorsement from Iran


Whedon Fans for Kerry/Edwards

Supreme Court Moves to Un-Gerrymander Texas

Priscilla said at 10:48 PM


Sunday, October 17, 2004

Firstly: New ROTK:EE Trailer!!!

Last night, I rented the Firefly DVDs and had a mini "Intro to the Genius that is Firefly" party for Ko and Aaron and any of my roommates and friends that happened to show up. I ordered pizza for me and Aaron and a salad for Ko. But here is where my plan went horribly wrong. "Aaron wants plain cheese," I thought, "and I like plain cheese, too. But I prefer canadian bacon and black olive. I'll just get half and half!" A brilliant plan, thought I! It wasn't until I was waiting downstairs for the pizza to arrive that I realized with a shock of horror my mistake. Aaron adheres to conservative Judaism. He keeps seperate sets of dishware and utensils for dairy and meat, and he doesn't even get close to pork. And I ordered a pizza half canadian bacon. I am officially the most culturally insensitive person on the planet.

He was really nice about it, and after a great deal of flailing on my part, trying to come up with substitutes or fixes, we settled with cutting away any bits that were 2 inches away from any meat. After making the first cut, I promptly started spazzing over not having properly kosherized utensils, and he laughed and said it was fine and blew me a kiss. *squeak*

We watched Serenity first, then Our Mrs. Reynolds, as Ko showed clear Mal fangirlish tendencies early on. Both are now eager to see more, go me! Hopefully we'll be able to schedule another get-together next weekend, and I can put Ko and Nikki's lessons on "leaning", headtilts, and other forms of subtle body language into effect. Bwaha!

Afterwards, he gave me a goodnight hug, and we parted ways, him going to a Shakespeare party, and me going with Ko, Nikki, and Deep to the SAE party to cheer on our friend Daniel, whose band was playing. Gah. My first and last frat party. Far too loud, with unpredictable, blinding strobes, and so many people that you couldn't stand still (much less move) without being trampled and shoved around by a bunch of underage drunks. Not fun in the least. I stayed 20 minutes to support Daniel, then left with Matt. I don't know what people see in these parties.

Did I mention that Ko and I have pretty much finished our room? We've been plotting to put Christmas lights up for ages, and we finally got them up yesterday afternoon. I also finished a huge block of the photo montage thing I'm going behind my shelves, and I put up the "Hero" miniposters we got of ebay a few feeks ago. Man, our room looks FANTASTIC. I think I'll take pictures right now.

*takes pictures*
My side -- Posters: Hero, Moulin Rouge, Discworld: Family Values, the Magsby Remus collab, Amelie, FotR. See also our new Christmas lights, Jimmy the Lovely Laptop, my Buffy season 6 DVDs (on my desk, next to my water bottle), my VSP1 Hermione mousepad, and my tablet (behind Jimmy).
Another view -- the slimming mirror, our Hero miniposters, my theatre posters, the Auxiliary Backup Hobbits, the "Skull vs. Bones" poster from America: the Book, and my photomontage.
Ko's side
And another view
My view!
Ko with the Door of Liberal Hotness
The Door of Liberal Hotness! To be made clickable and magnifiable tomorrow when I don't have a midterm to study for.

Meanwhile, why has no one pointed this HP fanart website out to me before? Good lord on a stick, I am such a fangirl. You all fail as my friends.

Priscilla said at 10:01 PM


Friday, October 15, 2004

You know that Math midterm (CSE 260) I thought I had done poorly on? The one where I had no problem with the review questions, but when I got into the test, I felt I had to question if I was given the exam for the right class? It turns out "poorly" was an understatement. Big time.

Today's our last day to drop classes, and I'm thinking of dropping this class and trying again another semester, to start again with a clean slate. Sure, they let us drop our lowest grade out of the 2 midterms and the 2-part final, but that would mean I had no leeway for the other 3 exams. And if I was so completely thrown off by this first one, that's not really a chance I want to take. Amy, my advisor, tells me I probably shouldn't drop, as it would mean taking CSE 320 2nd semester senior year, which she tells me is not cool, and she's now looking into how the other DMD students fared on the exam, as we traditionally do worse than the straight Computer Sciene kids, because we're more artistically minded and we don't really want to be taking the course anyway. Still, I'm not sure if that excuses the fact that I actually failed, even with the curve taken into account.

On the plus side, Aaron has volunteered to tutor me if I decide to stay in the class, which is always good. I wasn't called for rehearsal Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, so when we saw each other at rehearsal last night, he said "If I said I missed you, would that be too forward of me?" *squeaks* He is so old fashioned and adoreable! I shared this with the roomies, all three of which are currently having boy issues, and we all basked in the reassurance that not all boys are scum. Of course, that didn't stop us from having a loud festival of misandry (finally, I have discovered the word for the opposite of misogynism!) on my roommates' behalf at Ben & Jerry's, involving mass amounts of chocolate, broken popsicle sticks symbolizing the boys' necks, and cries for painful vengance. No one messes with my roommates!

So anyway, still waffling over what do do about Math. Grr, the choices a woman must make in this earthly realm... I'm going to talk to Amy again.

Priscilla said at 11:29 AM


Thursday, October 14, 2004

Blogger ate this entry the first time, so I had to find the links again. Le sigh.

Funny or otherwise amusing political stuff:

A cute animation about electronic voting
Dean does an ad for Yahoo
Pat Buchanan endorses Kerry/Edwards -- so I wonder what he and Dean will debate about when they come to Penn next week...
Nader Removed from Pennsylvania Ballot -- apparently Mickey Mouse and Fred Flintstone are not registered voters in the state of Pennsylvania
Jon Stewart's Commencement Address
CNN and Salon: Harvard Prof remembers Bush
O'Reilly Hit with Sexual Harassment Suit
How Leftist is LJ?

Priscilla said at 12:18 PM


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

"Being lectured by the president on fiscal responsibility is a little bit like Tony Soprano talking to me about law and order in this country." --John Kerry

Hawhaw! Personally, I can't wait to see what has to say about Bush's performance this evening. The sheer number of boldface lies... I think Bush did a lot better tonight than he did in the other two debates, but he still fell pitifully short.

And was anyone else completely mesmerized by the enormous glob of spittle shining from the corner of the President's mouth for at least 15 minutes of the debate? Because when projected onto a massive screen in Huntsman Hall, Penn's great shrine to capitalism, it approached golf ball size. And that's kind of scary.

Sad to see Bush forgetting Poland.

Priscilla said at 10:49 PM


I threw together a last-minute shirt design for the Browncoats Website last night. Click here to see it!

Priscilla said at 2:29 PM


Woohoo! Just got an email saying that I won't be called for rehearsal tomorrow (or rather, tonight), meaning that I can see the last debate! It may be 2 in the morning and my computer science couldn't make less sense if it was written in Chinese and the midterm is Friday, but life is good!

Priscilla said at 2:33 AM


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Priscilla said at 7:47 PM


The PA Shindig crew have started a photo post thread here, if you want to see any of our zany hijinks. Mine are here.

Priscilla said at 4:35 PM


Monday, October 11, 2004

"Let's continue to take risks. Let's tackle the issues. In many ways our film community can do it better than anyone else. There is no challenge, artistic or otherwise, that we can't meet." --Christopher Reeve

Thank you for your strength. We'll miss you.

Now is the time to call your congressman and express your support of embryonic stem cell research.

Priscilla said at 7:05 PM


And the second half of the Big Damn1 Shindig Post!

A few Saturday things I forgot to mention in last night's post were the shirts and my fence exploits. One couple brought a bunch of shirts they had made up for the event, with Serenity line art and the text "1st Annual PA Shindig Under-the-Stars / Oct. 2004" on the front, and the Blue Sun logo and Mal's Shindig quote, "Sounds like the finest party I can imagine getting paid to go to" on the back. Hahaha!

As for my fence exploits, because I carried quite a resemblance to River when seen from a great distance, a bunch of fans asked to get my picture replicating the "River communes with the cows" scene from Safe. Then, someone joked about me standing on the fence corner and recreating the "River eavesdrops, standing on the ship railing" from Objects in Space. The second time I fell off, I decided it wasn't going to happen on the top rail, but one of the attendees got some nice shots of me standing on the second-highest rail. Hopefully, she'll either send them to me or post them on the boards sometime soon.

Other amusing jokes:
Browncoats for Kerry
Niska/Crow 04 (Vote for a man with reputation. Are you solid?)
My perfect name for the Mal/Inara 'ship: Spongebath Tightpants.

One of the day's first activities was getting one of the attendee's cars out of the mud. The front end was sunk in halfway up the wheels. As we strove to remove the car from the mud, one of the guys grabbed some mud balls and made a Mud Man (like a snowman, but with mud), in honor of Jayne. With "Hero of Canton" on the brain, a few of us more musically oriented started joking about what sort of songs could make up a Firefly musical. We went off on this tangent for a good long time, then a bunch of us just launched into the Buffy musical. Two girls, one guy, and I sang all the way through to "Standing." We decided that for next year, we would actually arrange something in advance and either sing a series of Firefly filks or sing the Buffy musical broken into something beyond "girls sing the girl parts and the guy sings the guy parts, unless they feel like singing, like in 'Rest in Peace' or 'Sweet's Song', and then they can just sing whenever they want," which could have been marginally more sophisticated. :D

Next was one of the most crazy fun parts of the con: Charades. From the just plain silly (Wash describing what he loves about Zoe in "Bushwhacked") to the mockingly pornographic (Kaylee eating strawberries)! I turned out to be eerily good at it, getting practically every third charade. Go me! Kristin handed out CDs with the gag reel and the teaser trailer burned on to them to the first bunch of people that guessed correctly, so I ended up with one as well.

Some of the funnier charades: Nathan Fillion filming the circle scene around Tracey's coffin in the blooper reel, Jayne offering to trade Vera to Mal for Saffron, Rick's moment of glory, Crow getting kicked into the engine (which I got before it was even acted out, due to the charadee's complaint of having to throw herself on the ground--another of my River moments, I suppose), Alan Tudyk getting shot in the butt in the blooper reel, Saffron's offer to wash Mal's feet, Mal getting shot in "Out of Gas", Mal showing "mercy" to Atherton Wing, Purple Bellies searching for Simon and River under the placemats, River eating Ice Planet, "It's a cow fetus", River killing people with math, Simon asking for a menu, Mal deciding to go to the Special Hell, "Sponge Bath" coming up for the third time (and performed by a guy, hah!), River terrified by Book's hair (which also came up three times), Simon's reaction when he sees the statue of Jayne, River's jig, the Crazy Ivan, Jayne going crazy and falling asleep, and "I shaved off my beard for you, devil woman!"

We quickly developed easy methods of identifying the characters: Jayne was either putting on a hat or an overly masculine pose with a massive gun (gesturing to the massive gun to indicate Vera), Book was the miming of exploded hair, Wash was pretending to fly the ship (or playing with dinosaurs), River was pointing at me, and Mal was implying that one's pants were overly tight.

After over an hour, we started running out of ideas, so we decided to include the entire Whedonverse, such as the dusting of Vamp!Willow, a hilariously accurate portrayal of The Master prodding at the Hellmouth barrier, PuppetAngel's detatchable nose, etc. During Charades, people started peeling off one by one and heading home, and as the game wound down, so did the Shindig. Kristin's mother sent us home with bags of uneaten bagels and other snacky goodness, and we vowed to do it again next year.

Mighty fine Shindig!

1Note to Parents: This is not me using profanity. "Big Damn _____" is a running joke among Firefly fans, stemming from the episode "Safe", in which Zoe refers to herself and Mal as "Big Damn Heroes." Therefore, the cast members are our "Big Damn Heroes", the upcoming film is the "Big Damn Movie", etc.

Priscilla said at 2:46 PM


So Gregory Maguire is writing a sequel to Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West.

Um, yay and all, but didn't she kind of DIE?

Edit: Thespian_geek on LJ writes: "Gregory said that the success of the musical made him go back and look at the novel, and he realized just how many storylines and threads he had left open. So the sequel is going to be what happened to the other characters, pretty much."

Hmmph, I rather liked the openness and unresolved-ness of the ending. Oh well, I'm sure it will be excellent, as is everything else GM does.

Priscilla said at 8:13 AM


Sunday, October 10, 2004

SHINDIG! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! So much crazy fun there are no words!

But first, before I continue squeeing about Firefly, I shall squee over the fact that I just found out I won two tickets in the lottery for the Dean/Buchanan debate I may have mentioned earlier. La-LA! I'ma gonna see DEEEEEEEEAN!

EDIT: WAH LIFE IS SO HARD. Michael isn't letting me miss rehearsal that night, as we're doing all Act I, so I'd be kind of necessary. So close, and yet so far... *weeps* First he comes to Dallas the day before I leave for Nimbus, and I'm too frantically preparing to be able to spare the time, and now rehearsal. Life clearly hates me.

So instead, I shall concentrate on reasons why life is great! Meanwhile, back at the ranch, or rather the farm, the Pennsylvania Shindig was utterly fabulous. I think one of the most fun aspects of the 'dig was being able to completely geek out and make all the ridiculously dorky Firefly inside jokes you can possibly conceive, and have all those around you understand every word. And not just Firefly--Buffy, Angel, Star Wars, etc. were all fair game. Penn seriously needs a sci-fi club, pronto.

Saturday around noon, we started with the "meet and greet" and lunch (fresh bao!). Seeing a few people dressed as Kaylee and YoSafBridge, and observing the sheer quantity of knitted orange Jayne hats, I immediately donned my Safe!River outfit. Tthen once we'd assembled most of the attendees, we launched into Firefly Jeopardy. There were three teams of two, and I was lucky enough to be chosen, and even luckier to be paired with Steve, the guy who we later nicknamed "Freaky Memory Guy," as he was fast like a freak and killed our rivals with his brain. Good lord, the trivia that guy could dredge up... though in the probably most esoteric question of the game, "Which two characters are seen using sugar tongs?", I knew that it was Jayne and Inara. Which is kinda eerie in itself. :D I credit this random knowledge to the fact that I was dressed up as River at the time.

We ended up winning by quite a comfortable margin, and as our prize, we both got to select from the cornucopia of DVD sets donated by the glorious RhymePhile, who gets loads of free DVDs as a perk from her job. I chose Buffy Season 6 (list price: $60), which if I'm not mistaken is now my first piece of actual official Whedon merchandise. Gravy, I'm such a fandom mooch. XD

We then did a Trivia Bee, where I was eliminated in the first round with "What does Book say about the use of spices in Serenity." I was trying to say something along the lines of "a man can eat like a king if he has enough Rosemary," which I now know should be "A man can live on packaged food from here til Judgement Day if he's got enough Rosemary." But it was fun to backseat drive with the other eliminees (is that a word? it should be), dorkily whispering amongst ourselves "pulmonary stimulators, cardiac infusers, and cortical electrodes!" and other such fannish things that we would be shunned by polite company for knowing. Bwa ha ha! The bee was eventually declared a draw when the duel between the two top girls had been going on for so long that we started to run out of questions.

It was in the Bee that we were met with what would become the biggest inside joke of the Shindig. One question asked for the name of the Mudder who sacrifices himself and takes a bullet for Jayne, something not a one of us knew. Hat's [MyOrangeHat, aka Kristin, the host] answer sheet said his name was Rick. The trivia was provided by fans, so we weren't sure if this was canon or the result of a confused mistake. In the end, we found that Rick is the name of the character the actor plays on the show "24", but the name stuck. However, we kept making jokes about Rick (ie, "Alas poor Rick, I knew him, Horatio") until it turned into an all-out Rickstravaganza (my pun), and we concluded that we needed to form a Rick fanclub--I suggested we call ourselves "Rickets" (or "Rickettes")--and live our lives through the moral guidance of "What Would Rick Do?" We further decided that the freaky (obviously inbred) blond kid with the buggy eyes should be named Norma. Man, that kid is weird.

Later, several people brought instruments (namely a guitar, an autoharp, and a trombone), so we jammed dorkily to "The Ballad of Serenity" and "The Hero of Canton." You haven't seen funny until you've seen a guitar, an autoharp, a trombone, and a bunch of fans with different ideas as to lengths of certain rests and fermatas try to make music. Hilarity!

Before the light was gone, the Big Damn Costumers all assembled (okay, all 5 of us) for pictures. We had a couple normal ones, some semi-posed, and one with "Okay, pretend a bunch of Fox executives are attacking", which resulted in zany hijinks and me looking threatening with the gun-shaped stick (just an object; it doesn't mean what you think) I'd carried around all day.

As night fell, we pointed the projector at the barn wall and launched into "Serenity." It was so much fun to watch episodes with a huge gang of crazily obsessed fans. The boys shouted catcalls at the Sponge Bath Scene, and the girls threatened to replay Mal's nekkid scenes in "Trash" repeatedly. Unfortunately, we ended up not having time for either "Trash" or "Objects in Space," which is quite a tragedy, as I was looking forward to seeing Simon's delicious torso projected two stories tall. We ended up watching "Serenity", "Our Mrs. Reynolds", "Shindig" (obviously), "Out of Gas", the teaser-trailer, and the extended gag reel. Then we all went to sleep.

And now I'm going to stop writing this blog entry because I'm feeling very sleep deprived and can't think straight, despite it not even being 11:30 yet. I'll wake up bright and shiny early to finish my CSE 240 problem set. I cannot do logic in this frame of mind.

Things I will talk about tomorrow: OMWF, first signs of sleep deprivation, charades, our Jayne statue, Tim Minear, and more! Also, photos!

Priscilla said at 7:02 PM


Saturday, October 09, 2004

Dear Bush,

You are a moron.

  1. "I wasn't happy when we found out there wasn't weapons......"
  2. The Dred Scott case? You make me want to bash my head against the wall repeatedly.
  3. "Well, it's pretty simple when they say: Are you for a ban on partial birth abortion? Yes or no? And he was given a chance to vote, and he voted no. And that's just the way it is. That's a vote. It came right up. It's clear for everybody to see. And as I said: You can run but you can't hide the reality."? Dude, what did Kerry just say? IT'S NOT BLACK OR WHITE. And hey, federal judges ruled the partial-birth abortion ban unconstitutional.
  4. "You can run, but you can't hide." Are you trying to sound like a cowboy? You're just making yourself look ridiculous. ("Man, Fhqwhgads. You're just making yourself look worse, y'know. I mean, everybody's just gonna feel sorry for you. I mean, I do.")
  5. Hey, I like your new eye tic! And the jaw twitch... is that new?
  6. What did Kerry just say about the embryos used in stem cell research?
  7. "internets" ::snicker::
  8. 75% of Al Qaeda? What in the world are you basing that on?
  9. Actually, yeah, you have part ownership of a timber enterprise. Need some wood? Need some brains.
  10. Why yes, Kennedy certainly is a very Liberal senator! Meanwhile, your opponent is John Kerry.
  11. "Battling green eye shades"? What the HECK? Are you speaking English? "Jabberwocky" makes more sense than you.
    Jayne: You can't change that just by gettin' all bendy...
    Wash: All what?
    Jayne: [drifting] You got the light, from the console to keep you, to lift you up... they shine like little angels.
    [He topples forward. Hits the floor hard, chin leading. Out like a two ton light. Everyone just blinks.]
    Wash: Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?
  12. "Well now, that almost made me want to scowl." OMG, I made a facial expression! "Oooh, pouty! Look at that lip! Gonna get it... Gonna get it!" (Why am I rampantly quoting Joss Whedon?)
  13. Your environmental record is painful to think about. Don't even try to justify it. You are not a "good steward of the land", you are an asshat.
  14. You proposed the hydrogen-powered automobile? Is that anything like inventing the internet? Or internets, if you will?
  15. Dude, you forgot Poland! You remembered again later, but still. BWAHAHAHA.
  16. Is the International Criminal Court a bad thing? Or are you afraid you'd be charged?
  17. Aww, a bill is stuck in the Senate? I'm intrigued as how you can blame Kerry for that, seeing as how that would be the fault of the REPUBLICAN MAJORITY.
  18. "Plus, I want 'em all voting for me!" Did he just say that?
  19. Yelling at the moderator is not good debate etiquette.
  20. Do not talk about your budget. Your budget is laughable.
P.S. Canadians are evil and want to kill us all with poison drugs.

Reasons why Kerry is Beyond Awesome:
  1. "The military's job is to win the war. The president's job is to win the peace."
  2. "I think it is respecting life to reach for that cure. I think it is respecting life to do it in an ethical way."
  3. "We did something that you don't know how to do: we balanced the budget."
  4. How he remembered the questioners' names.
  5. "['Clear Skies' is] one of those Orwellian names you pull out of the sky, slap it onto something, like "No Child Left Behind" but you leave millions of children behind. Here they're leaving the skies and the environment behind. If they just left the Clean Air Act all alone the way it is today, no change, the air would be cleaner that it is if you pass the Clear Skies act. We're going backwards."
  6. Good GRAVY this man knows his stuff. His stats about Missouri's contribution to the Iraq war? Let me quote that: "If Missouri, just given the number of people from Missouri who are in the military over there today, were a country, it would be the third largest country in the coalition, behind Great Britain and the United States. That's not a grand coalition. Ninety percent of the casualties are American. Ninety percent of the costs are coming out of your pockets. I could do a better job. My plan does a better job. And that's why I'll be a better commander in chief." MAN he's good.
  7. Potter Stewart. Teh w00t. "He said the mark of a good judge, good justice, is that when you're reading their decision, their opinion, you can't tell if it's written by a man or woman, a liberal or a conservative, a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian. You just know you're reading a good judicial decision."
  8. And best of all? His response to the woman's question about abortion. That was just beautiful. THANK YOU JOHN KERRY.
SHAZAM. Now take a moment to tell the world how well Kerry did by casting your vote in some of these polls. And here's another amusing summary, if mine got too spiteful.

Priscilla said at 11:23 PM


Wheeee, tomorrow is the Pennsylvania Shindig! *does a little dance*

DO NOT MISS THIS LINK! Utterly brilliant. GWB Flip Flop Catalog

And not as funny as the original but still amusing, Good to Be in DC, a new animation from the creators of "This Land" has been updated! *snickers*

Apparently, according to Cheney, the war is over. Official: No WMD Stockpiles in Iraq, yet Bush, Cheney Say WMD Report Bolsters War Decision. Ummmm....

Jon Stewart on the cover of the next Rolling Stone

Cheney's Selective Amnesia

Priscilla said at 9:45 AM


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Meme ganked from Becca G and Fiendling, among others: Tell me up to five things [within reason] you'd like me to take a photo of.

Priscilla said at 5:51 PM


Bush: I Lie. (Makes reference to this)

USA Today: VP Debate Fact Check

Bill Maher: Fair and Balanced

This Modern World: In Their Own Words

Andy Borowitz: Poll: Edwards Even Sexier Than Voters Remembered

Priscilla said at 2:18 PM


Well, I'm glad that's over with. Cheney is a far more formidable debater than Bush, and though I believe Edwards held his own last night, the debate was closer to a tie, compared to Kerry's obvious win last Thursday.

Urgh, I feel like I need to take a three hour-long shower with a steel wool loofah to feel clean again. The sheer slimyness of Cheney... blekgh! Utterly appalling. I'm glad there only has to be one VP debate, because Bush seems a lot easier to catch lying. Good on Edwards for laying the smackdown on Cheney's falsehoods and distortions; I only wish we had more time.

And I wish Edwards would have explained the reasons why he and Kerry voted for certain things, then against, because I don't imagine it would take long to do, and it would clear up a lot of people's worries about their ability to make strong decisions and eliminate Cheney's favourite "weakness" to exploit.

I could probably write a lot more, but it would just make me all upset again, and I'd rather spend the quiet hours of the morning remembering the way Aaron smiled at me whenever we made eye-contact during rehearsal last night. *happysigh* Life is grand.

Priscilla said at 7:39 AM


Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Yay, hopefully this entry will knock the "Banned Book Week" graphic off the main page and into the archive, so the front page won't appear broken anymore. It's the little things in life. :D

So this weekend is the Pennsylvania Shindig. I'm still waffling, but I'm now thinking I'm going to go, if I can get transportation. It's a pretty rare opportunity, after all, and it won't take up too much of my weekend. Whee!

VP debates tonight. Oh, I hope rehearsal lets out early! *does a little dance*

Priscilla said at 8:17 AM


Monday, October 04, 2004

He's a grad student, 5 years older, and a Nice Jewish Boy. He went to Harvard undergrad, and he's getting a Masters in Linguistics. He loves musical theatre (he assisted his roommate in writing a musical about physics for his roommate's senior thesis), he's a big Pratchett fan (Gaiman, too--I haven't gotten a chance to find out what other authors he likes), he's very liberal, he's nerdy, he makes me laugh, he has a delightfully quirky sense of humor, he's kind of cute, we have a great rapport, and I feel like he's interested in me, too.

*pause for a moment*


This blog entry hereby marks "Baby's First Crush."

Priscilla said at 9:29 PM


Priscilla said at 8:23 AM


Renata and others: The Young Vetinari image can be found here.

Priscilla said at 8:12 AM



I almost left the entry at that, because it amuses me, but in recognition of the many people that read my blog who don't know me well enough to know there must be some delightfully entertaining missing context that merrily explains everything so that they don't have to leap to false conclusions (you know who you are), I decided to go ahead and explain myself, as I'd probably end up wanting to blog about it later anyway.

I got an email today from a woman, asking for a print of my Young Vetinari vector CG, which I agreed to provide as soon as my school printing priviledges are reinstated. She emailed me back, delighted, and proceeded to gush a bit about her enjoyment of the image.
I could faint every time I look at that picture. Who in God's name was your model? Can you get them to do any more stuff like that? And what an edible ensemble, especially the boots! And the uniform. And the gloves. Oh, hell, all of it.
Dude, I was the model. Well, in a "my hed is pastede on yay" kind of way (I'll have to look up the name of the actor whose head I used), but the body is mine. So I have a woman lusting after my body. I'm torn between being weirded out and finding it absolutely hilarious.

Priscilla said at 1:54 AM


Sunday, October 03, 2004

Me: Huh. Project Vote Smart says the President can be emailed at So when a new president takes his place, does he get all the old president's mail?
Ko: They would probably have to forward everything. They'd probably set up a new address for it.
Me: To ""? Or!

So according to Project Vote Smart, Kerry's favourite president is Abraham Lincoln and he has a pet canary named Sunshine. Dude, how can you not vote for a man with a pet canary named Sunshine? I wonder if that's true. I wish I'd known about it in advance so I could have asked Vanessa.

Oh, and much love to Philadelphia Weekly for the cover of their last week's issue.

Priscilla said at 8:43 PM


Ko and I have decided that Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is not so much full of gaping plotholes as rather more like a representation of a plot spiderweb. It's 99.9% holes, but it looks really pretty. It's a testament to the prettiness of the movie that I didn't even think about the plotholiness until Ko brought it up this morning, whereupon we went on for quite a while, tearing the movie apart and laughing delightedly at the ridiculousness of pretty much everything. But it's okay, because it's pretty.

I've realized that I tend to forgive a lot of things because they're pretty. coughSpikecough. We fangirls are a sad lot, but we're oh so very happy. :D

Priscilla said at 5:35 PM


Gah, this is turning out to be more of a link blog than an online journal. Oh well. :D

CNN: Polls: Kerry Won Debate Bush's Top 20 Misleading Statements from the Debate

Unbelieveably Scary: Presidential Horror Show

And Fox is upset about Dan Rather?

Gotta love The Boondocks.

Priscilla said at 2:22 PM


Clearly I am in dire need of culture. People on my flist keep going on about "The End of FMA" and I keep squealing "Yes! The House killed the Federal Marriage Amendment, falling 49 votes short of the 2/3 majority needed to pass! A triumph of civil rights!"

Clearly, I need to get out more. :D

Well, in fact, Ko, M, and I did get out last night! We saw Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, which was so insanely fabulous there are no words. Catching up on my Film History reading assignments this weekend, I have been longing for that delicious soft-focus black and white film noir look, and now my great and tooby dreams have been answered! Ko summarized her feelings with the phrase "dirigible loff!", which I feel sums it up quite well.

Man, I adored this movie. The cheesy dialogue, the delicious lighting, the really obvious featherline bluescreen residue, the crazy CG backgrounds... and Jude Law and Angelina Jolie don't hurt either. The only thing that really bothered me was the thing with the assassin. I had convinced myself so thoroughly over the course of the movie of what her involvement in the project had been that I was shocked when Ko reminded me after the film was over that it had ended differently. Hah.

And now, Ko and I must go off and do our College Democrat Hall Captain duties, making sure that 6 floors of Hamilton kids are registered to vote. Man, I really need to make that parody. "Hall Captains and the Electorate of Tomorrow!", or something else that's funnier.

Priscilla said at 1:54 PM


Saturday, October 02, 2004

From CSE-240 the other day:

E (the teacher): The pair of D latches is called a "flip flop". It's a stupid name, but it stuck.
Class: *is silent*
Me: Come on, everyone is thinking it.

In other news, the MirrorMask website has a teaser trailer up! So. Much. Coolness. There. Are. No. Words.

Oh, and if you have a lot of work to do, do not go to this website. Trogdor: The Game. I'm not letting myself even think about playing again, because it's so addictive.

Priscilla said at 1:06 PM


Friday, October 01, 2004

Another random link post! Fandom! Politics! Madness, I tell you, madness!

A fan describes Reasons She Loves Percy

An amusing political cartoon for last night's debates.

Who's Reading Your LJ?

Program on International Policy Attitudes: Bush Supporters Misread Many of His Foreign Policy Positions

Funny: Jessi Klein's Presidential Debate Blog

A Bush-Kerry Debate Drinking Game

THE HORROR! A Star Wars TV show?

Photos of Cedric Diggory. I approve!

Why does Peachfuzz!James make me think of Bat Boy? (oh wow, that would make a hilarious character swap... sudden visions of Spike singing "Apology to a Cow"... my life is so beautiful right at this moment)

Bush Debate Silliness

What appears to be the next revolution in Bushmocking: Poland!

If Kerry wins, Liberals will ban the Bible! OMG!!!11!one *snerks*

Spaceballs II: The Search For More Money to become a reality!

Priscilla said at 6:09 PM


Mon and my miniVSP is revealed! Go check it out! And comment!

Priscilla said at 3:40 PM


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