Wednesday, November 03, 2004
MSNBC is calling Ohio for Bush. I can't even begin to comprehend the gravity of what I've just witnessed. God, what the hell did Bush need to do? What is wrong with our country? What more do you want?
All those of you who voted for Bush? God, I hope you're pleased with yourselves. I hope you're happy that the US has now lost all credibility internationally, now that we've knowingly reelected someone of Bush's incompetence. I hope you're happy when Bush's new Supreme Court appointees are put in a position where they can take away a woman's right to choose. I hope you're happy when we go off on our next harebrained endeavor, chasing whatever foreign leader Bush feels like targeting, and the ranks of terrorist groups swell, we alienate what allies we have left, and we still haven't caught Bin Laden. I hope you're happy when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer; when more and more families drop below the poverty line, what few new jobs are available pay significantly less, schools don't get proper funding, and students find their financial aid cut. I hope your happy when your health care premiums continue to skyrocket, Medicare has no mass buying power over perscription drugs, and patients can't import drugs from Canada. I hope you're happy when logging and mining companies gain power to venture further into old growth forests and other environmental protections are slowly eroded. I hope you're happy when AK-47s find their way back on the streets, and street violence escalates. I hope you're happy when discrimination is written into the constitution, and states lose the right to decide individually if they will allow two people that love each other to marry. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. I HOPE YOU'RE PROUD OF YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY. I feel sick. I was so looking forward to taking all the anti-Bush pins off my purse. I feel cheated that "Avenue Q" will have four more years to sing the original lyrics of "For Now." I looked forward to making jokes about Teresa being our first African-American First Lady and making a show over using Heinz ketchup at this burger restaurant managed by a Bush supporter I enjoy joking with. I'm angry that I couldn't enjoy Aaron holding me as we cried our our rage and frustration on each others shoulders. Obama in '08. God, I'm depressed. Priscilla said at 1:17 AM Comments:
He has four more years to ruin the world - not just our country - without fear. He no longer needs to fight for re-election. Pleasing the people doesn't matter worth shit. Appointing judges? We're going to be moving backwards so fast, we'll be needing those crappy 80s sci-fi blur effects.
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Sounds like Aaron is helping with the venting, but if you need another ear, I'm here. (802-440-4696) Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. |