Just got an email from Tab.
As you probably have already figured out -- you do not have heat. Facilities has people working overtime to try and solve this problem ASAP. However, in the meantime, please use a common space or a friends room for study. Also, 1920 Commons is willing to stay open as late as needed to provide a warm study space.
If you are ready for bed and need an alternate place to sleep, please call the front desk 898-5254 and have them either page the RA on duty or the HMOD. You may request an alternate room for the night.
Last, please document your complaint via www.upenn.edu/repairs
I can not tell you how sorry I am that this is happening during your finals and on the coldest day ever. Please do not hesitate to call the numbers listed above for help.
Hang in there,
Hamilton College House Dean
And the funny thing is, all my friends that live in Hamilton live in 408, with me in 1508, and 2308.
Anyway, life is good, because I have a space heater and an electric blanket. ...AND THE FRICKING POWER JUST WENT OUT AGAIN. And a minute later it's back, but still. Grr. Anyway, the rest of the sentence was to read "and I just got nearly all of my Christmas shopping done on Barnes and Noble.com, as today is the last day of free shipping to arrive before Christmas, and as a plus, I just benefitted
the Democratic party!"
And now, back to work on the stupid theatre lighting thing.