The power just went out in my room (and Deep's! But Nikki's and the common room are fine!) for the third time in under an hour. Apparently there were issues with pipes freezing or something, and that's why we've been having problems with the power, heating, and water temperature. Stupid weather. Maintenance is currently dealing with the problem.
Oh, and Jume -- I'm still in Philadelphia. As far as I know, we've had no snow in Dallas.
Speaking of, I love how I haven't gotten a chance to go Christmas shopping AT ALL yet. And I am so frantic over my theatre lighting project that I won't be able to go shopping until after I turn it in on Wednesday, which will probably translate into after I get home, due to the necessity of PACKING. Thursday and Friday will be a madhouse. My friends in Philadelphia will be getting "Christmas in January" gifts.
I will cope with my stress by laughing at
this leaked still from "Goblet of Fire". OMG, Ron! So not canon, but so fabulous! Yeah, I think Molly's passive-agressive treatment of Ron just stopped being passive.