Amber -- Apologies to you and all other Ohioans. I didn't intend to paint all Ohioans in a negative light (whee, mixed metaphors!). I was just being overly general in my frustration with the portion of the population that voted in favor of the Amendment. For future reference, know that if you find something I say in my blog that you find offensive, chances are it wasn't intended that way. I was expressing my frustration at those that voted for the Amendment and the lawyers despicable enough to exploit an already appalling law to protect the perpetrators of domestic violence. I'm very much aware of how purple a state Ohio was in the past election; I'm by no means under the delusion that all Ohioans feel this way! As a Liberal from Texas, I know firsthand how it feels to be in a state whose population votes overwhelmingly against my own political beliefs. Keep fighting the good fight!