LOST. I am head over heels in love with Dominic Monaghan. Whose name is
endearingly like a banana.
Spoiler One ahead! Only one calorie, not spoilery enough! (Woah. Surrealist to English translation: The following is very mildly spoilery. They're there, but hopefully they won't go straight to your hips.)
Walt. "You're not looking!" Amusingly reminiscent of "You can't see anything!" Thy Walt be done, apparently. :D Something Blue, anyone?
The revelation in the last minute? Saw it coming a mile away. It's about time! Though it was nice to see diary cutness, I need my OTP! How dare next week be a repeat!
Also, the one-shot with the diary? Has to be one of the funniest moments of all TV. My roommates can attest to my cackling laughter all the way through the scene. Hence, see above "head over heels love with Dominic Monaghan."
The CG polar bear I didn't really mind. Probably because I'm so used to watching Buffy, whose CG n' puppet creatures are laughably fake.
Also, I am so entertained by Boone's behavior around Locke.
And that's all I have to say about that.