WAAAAAAHHHHH. I'm currently typing from Deep's computer, as my computer, Jimmy, is cautiously extending his tongue and sampling the dust, carefully weighing whether or not he intends to bite it. It was working fine on the plane when I was watching the second half of the RotK:EE actor commentary, but when I first turned it on, I was greeted with freaky Matrixlike green lines and white noise and other such horrors for one who has not backed up anything in forever. My friends Ari and Jing, computer geniuses, each tried fixing it for about an hour before throwing in the towel. I'm grateful that they lasted that long; the screen's behavior is seizure inducing. Ari is going to contact the ITA manager to see if he can help.
ANGST. Come on, Jimmy! You're the only one of the Lone Gunmen that didn't snuff it! Be like your namesake and LIVE!