Keith: Of course I know how exciting it is to get mail! Especially mail with fannish goodness! And I read the first few pages of the book I got signed for you, and it's awesome. Tra-la!
Will: Giles' song is "Standing", but the "Standing"/"I'm Under Your Spell" reprise duet with Tara is entitled "Wish I Could Stay". Or at least, that's what the filename says. *checks Amazon* Oh. Nevermind. It's just called "I'm Under Your Spell/Standing (reprise)". Yeah, I lose. Hmm, I really need to make an honest woman of my iPod with respect to that album...
Tanja: I believe Undone27 on LJ linked me to the "I Hate Being in Love With Elijah Wood" song. The lyrics are mostly unintelligible, but those I can understand are funny.
Becky: What email address should I send it to?
And the amusing news link of the day:
British Prankster Smuggles Art Into Top NY MuseumsCross-Fandomish Link of the Day:
Emma Caulfield (Anya) to appear on Lost? Haha, more fodder for if anyone wants to try their hand at the hilarious
JJ&J Challenge.