You know that computer science midterm I took right before spring break, the day after my first day back in classes after being bedridden for two days due to Ebola or Plague? When I spent all time not in class or rehearsal asleep, and all time in class in a brain fog? Somehow I managed to do even worse than I thought I had.
What the heck am I doing in a Computer Science major?
Rehearsal is now pushing past four hours a night. I'm seriously considering not doing a production in the fall. The QSA chair keeps coming up with inane tasks that he insists must be completed immediately (stuff he could easily do himself; he has the coding savviness to do it) and finds idiotic, nitpicky faults with my LAYOUTS, which take ages to change and re-implement. He doesn't seem to understand when I tell him that I need EVERY WAKING MOMENT to work on models for my Virtual World Design project, due Wednesday. I want to scream. And every day that goes by diminishes me in the eyes of my 3D Animation professor, whom I asked for an extension when I was unable to get my rat walk cycle to a stage I could be proud of in time for the due date Wednesday.
How on earth could Spring Break have already come and gone?