Cult of Lincoln presents: The Quotable Gearhart.
I think I get the words "presumptive" and "presumptuous" mixed up in my head. Every time they called Kerry the "presumptive nominee", I kept imagining him coming into my house without knocking and saying "What's for dinner?" --Ko
Ko: You are such a dork, Cellie.
Me: Who is more dorkish? The dork or the dork who hangs out with her? ... And I just quoted
Star Wars, so I think I answered my own question.
Ko: Perhaps I should take my posters down, as to avoid doing any more schoolwork.
Me: Perhaps you should.
Ko: I've done 7 pages of review in the past day. But I've written down phrases like "diffusion of responsibility", so I feel as though I've accomplished something, at least.