Booyeah! C+ in Networked Life, the class I tanked both exams in! (One taken while still recovering from Horrific Flu From Hell, the other taken at the pinnacle of Hell
Week Fortnight Month.) Huzzah for extra credit and excellent homework grades to serve as compensation! In order to balance my exam grades, I must have rocked the socks off of my final project! I only wish I'd been able to attend more of the extra credit lectures. I might have scraped by with a B-.
*dances the merry "I didn't fail the 100-level computer science course I'd intended to take as an easy-A" jig*
Yes, I fully realize I am horrifically lame. I care not.
Now the only class I don't know about is Animation. Not sure if Josh is going to take points off for the number of extensions I needed, but he appeared to really like my animations, so yay. And I got solid As on everything else I turned in, so I've got that going for me.